M.Sc. Elias Flory, Gründungswerkstatt neudeli

M.Sc. Elias Flory, Gründungswerkstatt neudeli

»Ich engagiere mich für Nachhaltigkeit, weil jede innovative Idee das Potenzial hat, die Welt zu verbessern.«

»Ich engagiere mich für Nachhaltigkeit, weil jede innovative Idee das Potenzial hat, die Welt zu verbessern.«

Dr.-Ing. Tonia Annick Schmitz, Stabsstelle Nachhaltige Entwicklung

Dr.-Ing. Tonia Annick Schmitz, Stabsstelle Nachhaltige Entwicklung

»Ich teile die Ansicht von Marshall McLuhan: ›There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew.‹«

»Ich teile die Ansicht von Marshall McLuhan: ›There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew.‹«

Prof. Dr. Tom Lahmer, Dekan der Fakultät B&U

Prof. Dr. Tom Lahmer, Dekan der Fakultät B&U

»Wir haben nur eine Erde. Lasst uns endlich unserer Verantwortung gerecht werden.«

»Wir haben nur eine Erde. Lasst uns endlich unserer Verantwortung gerecht werden.«

M.Sc. Katharina Elert

M.Sc. Katharina Elert

»Ich möchte nachhaltige Baustoffalternativen schaffen, auf die man gerne setzt. Dabei steht Stroh aktuell im Mittelpunkt meiner Lehre und Forschung.«

»Ich möchte nachhaltige Baustoffalternativen schaffen, auf die man gerne setzt. Dabei steht Stroh aktuell im Mittelpunkt meiner Lehre und Forschung.«

Prof. Dr. Uwe Plank-Wiedenbeck, European Digital Innovation Hub Thuringia

Prof. Dr. Uwe Plank-Wiedenbeck, European Digital Innovation Hub Thuringia

»Unser Anspruch als Bauhaus-Universität ist es, innovative Mobilitätslösungen zu entwickeln, die ökologisch, sozial und ökonomisch nachhaltig sind.«

»Unser Anspruch als Bauhaus-Universität ist es, innovative Mobilitätslösungen zu entwickeln, die ökologisch, sozial und ökonomisch nachhaltig sind.«

Stina Amrhein, AG Nachhaltigkeit

Stina Amrhein, AG Nachhaltigkeit

»Nachhaltigkeit und insbesondere Klimaschutz ist mir schon lange ein großes Anliegen. Ich bin froh, dass ich an der Fakultät meinen Beitrag dazu leisten kann!«

»Nachhaltigkeit und insbesondere Klimaschutz ist mir schon lange ein großes Anliegen. Ich bin froh, dass ich an der Fakultät meinen Beitrag dazu leisten kann!«

Larissa Daube, AG Nachhaltigkeit der Fakultät Bau und Umwelt

Larissa Daube, AG Nachhaltigkeit der Fakultät Bau und Umwelt

»Ich bin überzeugt, dass wir eine lebenswerte Zukunft für kommende Generationen bauen können. Deshalb forsche und lehre ich im Bereich Lehmbau.«

»Ich bin überzeugt, dass wir eine lebenswerte Zukunft für kommende Generationen bauen können. Deshalb forsche und lehre ich im Bereich Lehmbau.«

M.Sc. Lukas Kirschnick, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Professur Konstruktives Entwerfen und Tragwerkslehre

M.Sc. Lukas Kirschnick, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Professur Konstruktives Entwerfen und Tragwerkslehre

»Ich promoviere zum Thema der Nutzung von Resthölzern in Tragwerkskonstruktionen und betreue die Vorlesungsreihe „Nachhaltiges Bauen.«

»Ich promoviere zum Thema der Nutzung von Resthölzern in Tragwerkskonstruktionen und betreue die Vorlesungsreihe „Nachhaltiges Bauen.«

Milla Semisch, StuKo Referat Nachhaltigkeit

Milla Semisch, StuKo Referat Nachhaltigkeit

»Ich engagiere mich, weil wir Studierende essentieller Teil der nachhaltigen Transformation an unserer Universität sind. Wir zeigen auf, worauf es in den nächsten Jahren ankommt und welche Weichen für eine sichere Zukunft gestellt werden müssen.«

»Ich engagiere mich, weil wir Studierende essentieller Teil der nachhaltigen Transformation an unserer Universität sind. Wir zeigen auf, worauf es in den nächsten Jahren ankommt und welche Weichen für eine sichere Zukunft gestellt werden müssen.«

M.Sc. Steven Mac Nelly, Umweltbeauftragter

M.Sc. Steven Mac Nelly, Umweltbeauftragter

Ein geringerer Verbrauch von Energie und Wasser sowie die Vermeidung von Abfällen und Emissionen sind zentrale Elemente unseres Engagements an der Bauhaus-Universität für eine nachhaltige Zukunft.

Ein geringerer Verbrauch von Energie und Wasser sowie die Vermeidung von Abfällen und Emissionen sind zentrale Elemente unseres Engagements an der Bauhaus-Universität für eine nachhaltige Zukunft.

M.F.A. Tina Konscholky, Universitätskommunikation

M.F.A. Tina Konscholky, Universitätskommunikation

»Nachhaltigkeit zeichnet sich durch ihre bemerkenswerte Vielschichtigkeit aus. Ich freue mich, insbesondere die digitale Nachhaltigkeit an der Bauhaus-Universität aktiv mitzugestalten und weiterzuentwickeln.«

»Nachhaltigkeit zeichnet sich durch ihre bemerkenswerte Vielschichtigkeit aus. Ich freue mich, insbesondere die digitale Nachhaltigkeit an der Bauhaus-Universität aktiv mitzugestalten und weiterzuentwickeln.«

Sustainable University

Climate change is transforming the world. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is committed to responding to this transformation process, helping to shape it and becoming sustainable itself. To this end, we promote a socially just transformation and reduce the climate and environmental impact caused by university operations with the help of concrete measures in teaching, research, transfer, governance, construction and operations. To this end, small and large projects are continuously being developed in all areas of the university as well as a growing internal network of stakeholders and working groups that are committed to the sustainability goals. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar's sustainability team works together with numerous university members from all departments and faculties to promote sustainable development at the university.

Let's make our university more sustainable – help us find the right ideas and get involved in the transformation process!

Link to survey



Foto: Stadtverwaltung Weimar

CITY CYCLING 2024: Gold for the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar as Most Active Educational Institution

Organised by the Climate Alliance, the CITY CYCLING campaign invites local politicians and citizens to get on their bikes for 21 days every year between May and September, setting an example for sustainable mobility and climate protection. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar joined the City of Weimar-organised event for the third time and was awarded gold for being the most active educational institution. The university also placed fifth overall in kilometres covered out of 85 teams. For each kilometre cycled, one cent goes towards a cycling project in Weimar.

Seit Dezember 2023 bereiten sich die Studierenden auf die Betonkanu-Regatta vor. Foto: Dana Höftmann

Betonkanus th-Rex und CEM-Rex sind startbereit

Am Mittwoch, 5. Juni, wurden die Weimarer Betonkanus im Schwanseebad öffentlich getauft und erstmals zu Wasser gelassen. Nach erfolgreicher Testfahrt bereiten sich die studentischen Teams nun auf die Betonkanuregatta am 14. und 15. Juni in Brandenburg an der Havel vor. Unter dem Motto »KANUSAURUS – Aufbruch in ein neues Betonzeitalter« wollen Sie die Jury nicht nur im sportlichen Wettkampf, sondern auch mit Kreativität und Konstruktionstalent überzeugen.

Foto: Carolin Wick

CITY CYCLING 2024: For More Cycling in Weimar

In 2023, Climate Alliance, which is the largest European city network dedicated to climate protection, is once again calling on municipalities and their inhabitants to cycle as many kilometres as possible for three weeks between May and September to help support climate protection and promote cycling. Weimar will be participating in »CITY CYCLING« from 1 to 21 May 2024. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar will take part for the third time and warmly invites all university members to join our team.

Blick auf die Testfläche mit Vogelschutzmarkierungen an der Universitätsbibliothek. Foto: Christina Kleffel

University library tests markings to prevent bird collisions

Due to a rise in bird collisions, the university library has installed tested bird protection markings on certain glass surfaces. The purpose of these markings is to ensure that the building continues to receive natural light while also protecting native bird species.

Spurred on by the increasing severity and urgency of the global environmental and climate crisis, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has decided to embark on a holistic transformation path that will lead to sustainable university operations in the medium to long term.

The objectives are summarized in the figure above and divided into three successive process phases (short-term - medium-term - long-term). In the current first phase, the sub-goals of establishing an innovation network, increasing system understanding and process transparency, and identifying transformation paths in university operations are being pursued. The second phase, which develops in parallel, is used to develop a sustainability strategy and to initiate and implement initial measures to support the transformation process. In the third and final phase, the university will adhere to the sustainability principles of ecological viability, social justice and economic efficiency and further develop and disseminate the implementation of these principles in university operations.

Sustainability Strategy

We are currently developing a sustainability strategy for Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in a participatory process to create a common understanding of sustainability and to further develop our university in a targeted manner by selecting effective measures. To this end, we apply the ‘Whole Institution Approach’ model by dividing the strategic goals and measures into 5 main areas: Governance, Campus, Teaching, Research and Transfer. 


Sustainable governance refers to the strategic integration of sustainability principles into the institution's governance structures and administrative processes. This includes the development of guidelines, decision-making processes, structures and procedures for assigning responsibilities and allocating resources such as time and money. The aim is to create an organisational culture that functions sustainably and beyond individuals in the long term.


Sustainability on campus encompasses the implementation of sustainability principles in the planning, construction and operation of buildings as well as in the management of infrastructure and procurement. In ongoing operations, for example, measures can be taken to reduce energy and water consumption, minimise waste and promote recycling. The aim is to create a sustainable campus that is both climate and environmentally friendly and improves the quality of life for students and staff.


Sustainability in teaching and studies means integrating sustainability principles into the design and organisation of courses. This includes the development of study programmes that address socio-ecological sustainability and enable students to work on sustainable solutions to global challenges. Teaching methods that promote sustainable thinking and action and interdisciplinary approaches such as practice-orientated learning are at the forefront. Both the content and the implementation of teaching are aimed at climate protection. The aim is to create an educational culture that prepares students for an active role in society.


Sustainability in research refers to the systematic integration of sustainability principles into research foci, methods and practices at the university. This means that research projects are geared towards working on solutions for socio-ecological challenges. In addition, emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary and international collaboration in order to address complex sustainability issues holistically. The aim is to enable research that delivers practice-orientated results in order to advance the socio-ecological transformation of society.


Sustainability in transfer means that knowledge and innovation are utilised in a targeted manner to bring sustainable solutions to society and the economy. This includes working with companies, public institutions and civil society to embed sustainable technologies, practices and ideas in practice. Partnerships are encouraged that maximise social and environmental benefits. The aim is to contribute to solving social problems through the transfer of knowledge and technology and to build long-term regional relationships on an equal footing.

Introduction of intracting and 1% regulation

In January 2024 the Senate favorably approved the suggestion of the Planning and Budget Committee to create a funding basis for an initial 2 years of 1% of the funds of all budgeted units for measures that contribute to

  • a quantifiable improvement in environmental performance (in accordance with ISO 14001:2015-11; 3.4.11) and/or
  • an improvement in energy-related performance (ISO 50001:2018; 3.4.6).

As a result, from 2024 on, start-up funding of around €1.3 million will be available for measures in construction and operation if they demonstrably lead to a reduction in the university's carbon footprint.

Photo: Carlos Santos

The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is the consortium leader of the European University Alliance »BAUHAUS4EU - A European University for Resilient, Sustainable, Inclusive and Beautiful Regions«, an alliance that has set itself the goal of contributing to sustainable and inclusive campus development at all 10 university locations of the project. The consortium covers a total of 9 European countries and thus offers the opportunity for a rich, topic-related exchange of experience at international level, including local/regional challenges and solutions. Sustainable campus development is a core topic of this long-term project and is addressed in two dedicated work packages. The alliance will be financed by EU funds (ERASMUS +) for a period of 4 years from January 2025. 

Illustration: Claudia Zech und Johanna Diesel

Based on the guiding principles of education for sustainable development (ESD) at universities, the cross-university project »Thuringia teaches and learns sustainably« (ThüLeNa) aims to promote teaching innovations, holistic perspectives and transformation skills in engineering education. ThüLeNa is intended to help increase the attractiveness of engineering studies and attract sustainability-oriented milieus to work in key engineering industries.

These goals are to be achieved through four interlinked measures:

  • Development and anchoring of digital sustainability modules in engineering degree programs
  • Establishment of a cross-university micro degree as a certificate
  • Establishment of a pool of materials on basic sustainability issues
  • Development of qualification programs for education for sustainable development in university teaching.

Through these measures, ThüLeNa is making a significant contribution to preparing the next generation of engineers for the challenges of sustainable development and strengthens their ability to shape a sustainable future.

ThüLeNa project partners are FH Erfurt, TU Ilmenau, EAH Jena, FSU Jena, HS Nordhausen, HS Schmalkalden and Bauhaus-Uni Weimar. The project runs from 2024 to 2028 and is funded by the Carl Zeiss Foundation. 


SDG Campus

The SDG Campus is a digital learning platform that offers learning opportunities on technologies in the context of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The first courses have been open to the public since October 2022 and can be taken by students from the eight participating network universities. The range of courses is being continuously developed.

The aim is to use the learning opportunities to promote the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary skills of students in order to tackle global challenges such as the climate crisis, famine or the protection of animals and the environment with technology-based solutions.

The SDG Campus is funded by the Foundation for Innovation in Higher Education as part of the joint project »Open T-Shape for Sustainable Development«, which is coordinated by Hamburg University of Technology and HafenCity University Hamburg. Other project partners of the SDG Campus are the Technical University of Dresden, the Technical University of Munich, the Technical University of Berlin, RWTH Aachen University and Bauhaus University Weimar. The project runs from 2022 to 2025.

Graphic: Zukunftsforum Klimafreundliche Hochschulen

Supporting the creation of a climate protection concept is the aim of the »Future Forum Climate-Friendly Universities«, which is being carried out by netzwerk n, the University of Vechta and the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development. Bauhaus University is one of seven German universities taking part in this project.

The central approach is the involvement of all status groups in this project and the focus on empowering students with the aim of promoting a student-driven sustainability transformation. In coaching sessions, they are empowered to act strategically and make a targeted contribution to the change process at their university.

The goals for the universities are

  • Short-term: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 10%.
  • Long-term: Implementation of comprehensive climate protection concepts in the sense of a whole institution approach.
  • Long-term: Role model function, transfer and networking with other stakeholders and organizations in the region.

At the beginning of the project, the greenhouse gas emissions at the participating universities are assessed and existing climate protection strategies, if any, are analyzed. Based on this analysis, fields of action are identified and goals are set. The universities are then supported and advised by external expert teams.



Graphic: EMAS

EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) is the relevant system for environmental management and environmental auditing according to the UGA environmental verifier committee. The procedure supports organizations and companies in improving their environmental performance and reducing environmental risks. EMAS certification provides the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar with an effective tool for sustainable corporate management that promotes the implementation of operational environmental protection measures, saves resources and costs, and raises awareness on sustainability issues in the university context.

Photo: Jens Hauspurg

Sustainability Working Group Faculty B&U

Sustainability is a central topic with high social relevance that is anchored in various areas of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering. In the working group, we are working on the creation of a catalog of measures at faculty level, which will emphasize the importance of sustainability and increase its visibility internally and -externally.

Innenansicht 2. Obergeschoss der Universitätsbibliothek. Foto: Marcus Glahn
Photo: Marcus Glahn

AG Sustainability of the University Library

Since 2022, the working group has been committed to making the UB and the Steubenstrasse site more sustainable, climate-resilient and greener. To this end, we are designing measures to save energy, protect birds in the vicinity of our buildings, improve the waste recycling system, ensure sustainable administration and portfolio development and improve thermal building insulation.

StuKo Sustainability Department

Das Referat Nachhaltigkeit widmet sich der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Strategien zur Reduzierung oder Vermeidung klimaschädlicher Emissionen innerhalb der Studierendenschaft. Durch Workshops und Seminare bieten wir informative Veranstaltungen dazu. Darüber hinaus fungieren wir als Sprachrohr der Studierenden gegenüber der Universität in Fragen der Nachhaltigkeit.

Photo: Anton Brokow-Loga

The SÖRF working group at the Institute of European Urban Studies is concerned with how politics, planning, urban development and civil society can contribute to a sustainable, just and democratic transformation.


Would you like to introduce and promote climate protection and sustainability measures at the Bauhaus-Universität with your colleagues? Get in touch, we will support you in this endeavour!

Graphic: Bauhaus4EU

The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is the consortium leader of the European University Alliance »BAUHAUS4EU - A European University for Resilient, Sustainable, Inclusive and Beautiful Regions«, an alliance that aims to contribute to sustainable and inclusive campus development at all 10 university locations of the project. The consortium covers a total of 9 European countries in 10 European regions and thus offers the opportunity for a rich, topic-related exchange of experience at international level, including local/regional challenges and solutions. More information on the Alliance and the Green and Inclusive Campus Task Force can be found on this website and via the Sustainable Development Staff Unit.




Graphic: DG Hoch N

The German Society for Sustainability at Universities is a non-profit association that is committed to the sustainable development of universities in Germany. To this end, various events (hubs) are organized for almost all areas of higher education in which sustainability-related issues are discussed as closely as possible to their application. All hubs can be attended free of charge by all members of the Bauhaus-Universität. Hub dates and the invitation to participate can be found on this website and via the Sustainable Development Staff Unit.

Graphic: netzwerk n

Netzwerk n is a non-profit association that uses nationwide projects to show ways in which students, doctoral candidates and young professionals can contribute to the sustainable development of their universities. Since January 2023, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has been part of the BMWK-funded project »Future Forum Climate-Friendly University« by supporting a total of seven German universities in the creation of a holistic climate protection concept for their institution. Information and the invitation to participate can be found on this website and via the StuKo's Sustainability Department (currently in progress).


In order to strengthen cooperation between the various actors at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and to support the sustainability movement at the institution in a coordinated and targeted manner, the position of Environmental Officer was established in September 2022, the position of Vice President for Societal Transformation in June 2023 and a Presidential Staff Position for Sustainable Development in August 2023. Together with the advisory voice of the Klimaschutzbeauftragten, this group of people forms the »Sustainability Team« at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

»The sustainable development of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is not self-evident for us, but a process that we must consciously shape in order to achieve our goal: a socially responsible, climate and environmentally friendly, economically efficient university.«

Dr. phil. Dipl.-Ing. Ulrike Kuch
Vizepräsidentin für gesellschaftliche Transformation
E-Mail: ulrike.kuch[at]uni-weimar.de
Tel.: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 30 41

Lukas Kilian Schulz
Hilfswissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Stabsstelle Nachhaltige Entwicklung
E-Mail: lukas.kilian.schulz[at]uni-weimar.de 

Dr.-Ing. Tonia Annick Schmitz
Stabsstelle Nachhaltige Entwicklung
E-Mail: tonia.schmitz[at]uni-weimar.de 
Tel.: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 11 23

B.Sc. Milla Leona Semisch
Hilfswissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Stabsstelle Nachhaltige Entwicklung
E-Mail: milla.leona.semisch[at]uni-weimar.de 

M.Sc. Steven Mac Nelly
E-Mail: steven.mac.nelly[at]uni-weimar.de
Tel.: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 12 20