
Dr. Ulrike Kuch. Photo: Dominique Wollniok

BAUHAUS.INSIGHTS: How is the social transformation of Germany perceived in Bangladesh?

The city of Khulna in southern Bangladesh lies on two tributaries of the Ganges. Khulna is currently battling major waste issues, including huge amounts of plastic that get washed into the city from the rivers and further into the sea. Since 2021, scientists from the Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) have been working with colleagues from the Environmental Engineering Department at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Eckhard Kraft investigating how to avoid waste in the long term and how to implement a sustainable waste management system in Khulna.

Foto: Stadtverwaltung Weimar

CITY CYCLING 2024: Gold for the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar as Most Active Educational Institution

Organised by the Climate Alliance, the CITY CYCLING campaign invites local politicians and citizens to get on their bikes for 21 days every year between May and September, setting an example for sustainable mobility and climate protection. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar joined the City of Weimar-organised event for the third time and was awarded gold for being the most active educational institution. The university also placed fifth overall in kilometres covered out of 85 teams. For each kilometre cycled, one cent goes towards a cycling project in Weimar.

Seit Dezember 2023 bereiten sich die Studierenden auf die Betonkanu-Regatta vor. Foto: Dana Höftmann

Betonkanus th-Rex und CEM-Rex sind startbereit

Am Mittwoch, 5. Juni, wurden die Weimarer Betonkanus im Schwanseebad öffentlich getauft und erstmals zu Wasser gelassen. Nach erfolgreicher Testfahrt bereiten sich die studentischen Teams nun auf die Betonkanuregatta am 14. und 15. Juni in Brandenburg an der Havel vor. Unter dem Motto »KANUSAURUS – Aufbruch in ein neues Betonzeitalter« wollen Sie die Jury nicht nur im sportlichen Wettkampf, sondern auch mit Kreativität und Konstruktionstalent überzeugen.

Foto: Carolin Wick

CITY CYCLING 2024: For More Cycling in Weimar

In 2023, Climate Alliance, which is the largest European city network dedicated to climate protection, is once again calling on municipalities and their inhabitants to cycle as many kilometres as possible for three weeks between May and September to help support climate protection and promote cycling. Weimar will be participating in »CITY CYCLING« from 1 to 21 May 2024. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar will take part for the third time and warmly invites all university members to join our team.

Blick auf die Testfläche mit Vogelschutzmarkierungen an der Universitätsbibliothek. Foto: Christina Kleffel

University library tests markings to prevent bird collisions

Due to a rise in bird collisions, the university library has installed tested bird protection markings on certain glass surfaces. The purpose of these markings is to ensure that the building continues to receive natural light while also protecting native bird species.