The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar relies on programme accreditation as a form of external quality assurance. The procedures used are based on the peer-review principle and are carried out every eight years. For this purpose, the university is currently preparing a self-evaluation using extensive data conforming to the criteria outlined by the Kriterienkatalogs of the Kulturministerkonferenz (conference of ministers of education). Once complete, this self-evaluation will be examined by an accredited agency and discussed with professorial and student experts from other universities as well as experienced professional individuals during an on-site visit. This will result in a comprehensive report for each study programme which will then form the basis for the award from the Akkreditierungsrat (accreditation council).
All courses of study at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar are accredited with the exception of the diploma course in Freie Kunst (Fine Art) and the Lehramt an Gymnasien (Teaching Qualification in Art Education), both of which conclude with a state exam. The majority of the courses offered at the university have already undergone this process numerous times. An overview with expert opinions can be found on the accreditation council’s website.
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