The Bauhaus Research School is a central research institution that promotes early stage researchers and artists at the Bauhaus University of Weimar. As the central contact point for all doctoral candidates at the university, we provide support in all questions related to the doctorate.
We organise a wide range of qualification programmes as well as advice and services, e.g. on the topics of career and funding. Beyond subject cultures and faculties, we offer opportunities for networking and interdisciplinary dialogue.
The Bauhaus Research School provides workspace for its doctoral and post-doctoral students for a period of 12 months. Users receive access to their workspace 24/7.
The Bauhaus Research School offers advice for prospective doctoral candidates, doctoral candidates, postdocs and tenure-track or junior professors. You are very welcome to contact our central e-mail address with your request: research-school[at]
We inform about current calls for proposals, scholarships, funding, qualification and events on our website and in our newsletter. To keep yourself informed subscribe to our newsletter.
Exchange experiences with other young researchers and artists and organise networking events together with us.
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