Bauhaus Research School | 05/2024

Good Academic Practice
→ eLearning in 5 Modules
>> Register!

International Ph.D. Network
20.07. | Indian Restaurant, Erfurt
01.09. | lmpark picnic

FDM Online Coffee Lectures 
Research Data Management - SoSe 2024

For postdocs and junior professors: cross-university workshops on leadership skills, micropolitics, supervision
>> to the registration

LECTURE SERIES, regularly on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm (audio recordings in the archive) | all dates

Photo: Nancy Hünger

The Night of Writing programme in now online:
We have curated a great lineup of workshops, lectures and activities for the evening of 13th of June - highlights:

18:15 | keynote »Einerlei. Wieder versuchen. Wieder scheitern. Besser scheitern. Eine Versuchsanordnung«
(D & simultaneously translated to English using AI)
Nancy Hünger, writer + Freie Kunst alumna

19:15 | »Erfolgreich scheitern: Kein Ergebnis ist auch ein Ergebnis« (D)
Presentors: surprising and still a secret
Host: Moritz Lampe

19:15 & 21:30 | Zukünfte schreiben mit KI (D / EN)
»Futuring Machines«, an AI-supported writing tool - everyone can take part and help shape the future!
(Fellowship Forschungswerkstatt, Jordi Tost et al.)

21:45 | Let’s talk about your publication @ PhD meet&greet (D / EN)
Exchange of experiences about publishing during and after the doctorate with Lilli Hallmann (Fac. M), Ann-Katrin Müller (Fac. AD), Dr. Elodie Vittu (Fac. AU), the International Ph.D. Network, the Pro.Doc and snacks & drinks

Details and, above all, registration options for all other events with limited capacity, like LibreOffice, comma rules, low-discrimination writing, specialised databases etc. can be found online: Click here! 

Every Friday at noon - without appointment or pre-registration - we are available ONLINE for all your general or specific questions, requests and concerns.

Log in - 31 May, Friday, 12 - 1 pm.

"Stadt Land Lehre - in freedom and democracy""
Panel discussion, (short) workshops, teaching award ceremony, closing with drinks & music

We would like to invite all members of the university to exchange ideas, to reflect and to further their education with exciting impulses, workshops and discussion rounds in Weimar, Nordhausen and online. This is a great opportunity to engage in dialogue with colleagues and fellow students and to discuss together how we want to shape teaching and learning at Thuringia's universities today and in the future.

For example, in addition to the workshops:

MitMachBar. Find the ideal support to realise your ideas!
13:00 - 17:00  | University Library(D+EN)

Bauhaus fragility. We need to talk about racism at our university (EN)
Discussion Panel 13:00 - 18:00| Room 021, Main Building

> to the programme

Counselling in the event of discrimination

The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is actively committed to equal opportunities and inclusion, the promotion of diversity and equality, protection against discrimination and the reduction of disadvantage at the university. 

Analogue: An anonymous letterbox for the Equal Opportunities Office and the Diversity Department is located at Amalienstraße 13, 3rd floor, right next to the lift.

Digital: digital anonymous "mailbox" 

Here you will find an overview of all counselling services, complaints offices and contact persons to whom you can turn if you have experienced or observed discrimination and disadvantage.

Roma Agrawal (UK) Lecture & Career Brunch

Roma Agrawal (UK) will be our guest on Thursday - a warm invitation to all interested parties: 

"How a Nail built the World"
30.5. | 17:00, 
Lecture Hall A
The lecture will be held in English.

Roma Agrawal was born in Mumbai, India. She worked as an engineer on the tallest skyscraper in Western Europe - The Shard - in London. After working in London and the US, she has been an associate director at the American engineering firm AECOM since 2017.

In view of the still male-dominated professional field for female civil engineers, the Equal Opportunities Office, together with the IKI, is offering women and queer people the opportunity to talk exclusively to Roma Agrawal on Friday morning about functioning networks and helpful information for starting a career as part of the travelling exhibition »Queens of Structure«. 

Career-Brunch | 31.5. | 9:00 - 11:00
Brunch in the Bauhaus.Atelier with Roma Agrawal

Registration is not required, potentially for up to about 25 people.


After the successful awarding of scholarships for 2024/25, the following formats are still available: 

• 1 Start-Up Scholarship for preparing a doctorate for Bauhaus-alumni (5 months)
• 1 Re-Entry Scholarship for doctoral candidates after a family break (1 year)
• 1 Bauhaus-Postdoc-Scholarship for Bauhaus Doctoral Alumni (1 year, extension possible)
• up to 2 Scholarships in the Thuringian Program female postdocs (1 year, extension possible)
• 1 Bridge Scholarship for female postdocs (6 months)

More funds with open calls:

► Congress Expense Fund for women and TIN* persons (1st call, 31 May)
► Frauenförderfonds for women and TIN* persons (1st call, 31 May)

Interactive workshop (EN/D) for supervisors that enables participants to supervise doctoral candidates in an effective and respectful manner and to develop various strategies for action and communication.

Part 1: 07 June 2024, 09:00-13:00
Part 2: 14 June 2024, 09:00-13:00

Please register here for the waiting lists to both parts

The "Graduiertenkolleg Medienanthropologie" periodically offers workshops and conferences. Here are the upcoming events in summer: 

- 13-15 June  | Nothing Matters. On Negative Objects, Spaces, and Relations [International Conference]

- 21-22 June | Kinder der Krise [Workshop]

> Program & Registration 

The Senate debates and decides all matters of fundamental importance to our university and usually meets in public sessions once a month. As a member of our university you can take part in the public sessions on site or online, even if your are not an elected member of the Senate.

The next Senate meeting is on 5th June, all upcoming dates and the minutes can be found here: Senate 2024

DAAD's PRIME (Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience) supports international mobility in the postdoctoral phase through fixed-term positions at German universities. This includes a 12-month posting abroad and a six-month integration phase at a German university. Fellows gain an important qualification step with their independent research project and the stay abroad for their career in academia. 

Application deadline: 30 August 2024