The doctoral council Pro.Doc of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has been actively advocating for the interests of doctoral candidates since 2021. In close cooperation with the university's various committees, we continuously bring the interests of doctoral candidates into university policy and represent our concerns not only within the university, but also outside of it.
In March 2025, the Doctoral Council 2025-2027 will be elected and candidates could be proposed and submitted until February 11, 2025.
As a member of Pro.Doc, you have the opportunity to give doctoral candidates a voice in various committees (e.g. Senate) and you get to know university life behind the scenes. By working in Pro.Doc, you can campaign for issues that affect you and other doctoral candidates and network both inside and outside the university.
See here the profiles of the candidates, which will be added one by one until the election:
Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik
Fakultät Bau und Umwelt
Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung
Fakultät Medien
All information about the election - online 04 - 09 March 2025 - can be found on this website.
One of our central goals is to create a stronger voice for the concerns of doctoral candidates at university policy level in order to make recommendations on all matters that affect doctoral candidates and thus improve the conditions for doctoral research at our university in the long term. In addition, we network regionally in the Association of Central German Doctoral Candidate Representations (VMPV) and nationally in the Federal Association of Doctoral Candidates (Bundesverband Promovierende) in order to exchange ideas, support each other and further advance our common interests.
The tasks of the Pro.Doc include not only regular participation in committee meetings, but also the provision of information for all doctoral candidates. The Moodle course ‘Promovierendenschaft | PhD student body’ publishes the most important results of the committee meetings. In addition, the course offers a platform for exchange among doctoral students and provides information on who represents their interests in the respective committees.
At least once a year, the Pro.Doc convenes a general assembly to which the entire doctoral candidate community is invited. There we report on our current topics and progress and would like to discuss your concerns with you to organise our next steps accordingly.
Doctoral candidates who would like to get actively involved or discuss their concerns with the Pro.Doc are welcome to contact the representatives or contact us directly by email at doctoral-council[at]
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