Doctoral research finish with the conferral of a doctorate. This is a confirmation that someone is qualified to work in science and research independently, after writing a dissertation and undergoing an oral examination. Dissertations originate either in individual supervised projects or in structured larger PhD-programmes. In Germany, individual doctoral studies are the traditional path of a majority of all young researchers. They offer a certain freedom, for example in finding and proposing a research topic. On the other hand, the doctoral student has to be proactive and show stamina and motivation. He or she is also responsible to organize a proper funding and to limit the term of his or her studies.
The most important partner is the supervising professor, called "Doktorvater" or "Doktormutter". He or she has to be convinced to support the research project and is later responsible for mentoring and evaluation. That is why you should focus on a close and trustful relationship with your mentor. A good supervisor brings not only expert knowledge in your areas of interest, but also mentoring skills. If you are not affiliated to a doctoral programme, you are obliged to find a supervisor on your own.
We recommend following course:
1. Read the Doctoral Regulations of the respective faculty and see the document with the general requirements (in English)
2. Which professor should be considered as a mentor?
3. Contact this professor. Discuss following questions together:
4. The Professor writes a Confirmation of Mentoring (Betreuungszusage).
Foreigners who do not have received a university degree in Germany (no education nationals) please contact the International Office of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar for proving required documents and certificates:
Service International: service-international[at]
5. It is recommended to sign a "Betreuungserklärung" (supervision agreement), at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism this agreement is part of the registration at the "Graduierungskommission".
6. You need to register as doctoral candidate at the "Graduierungskommission" / Doctoral Candidate Admissions Boards of your faculty - please find here the required faculty-specific documents and contact persons:
7. If suitable for you: enrol as doctoral student at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
As registered doctoral candidate (or as post-doc) you may use the services of the Bauhaus Research School (BRS), subscribe for the BRS-newsletter and get connected to.
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