Various postdoctoral scholarship formats are awarded annually at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. In the funding year April 2025 to March 2026, three scholarship formats are offered.
At the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, parallel applications for a maximum of one other scholarship format are possible.
The format is designed to enable outstanding postdocs to advance their academic careers through a new research project.
Funding: 2,000 euros per month
(if applicable, child allowance: 300 Euro for the 1. child, 150 Euro each further child)
Funding period: from April 2025 | duration 12 months
Extensions for a 2nd funding year are possible if the interim report is succesful and funds are available
This Thuringian programme aims to contribute to increasing the number of female habilitation students and professors. The awarding of these scholarships is intended to make it easier for women to remain in the science system and flanks the federal and state programme for the promotion of young researchers, which was launched in 2017. The recruitment of excellent female researchers and artists and their support in developing an international reputation, gaining sound teaching experience and developing further interdisciplinary skills makes an important contribution to the individual promotion of female researchers and artists who have completed their doctorates. The scholarships awarded at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar enable post-doctoral researchers and artists to further advance their university careers through a new research project or a new artistic endeavour and, in the long term, to even better fulfil the hiring requirements for a scientific or artistic professorship, thus further increasing their chances of being appointed.
Within the framework of a program for female post-doctoral researchers, the second program phase runs until 2025 and
Female applicants for the Thuringian Program should be professionally and organisationally connected to a subject area of the university, but do not have to be alumna of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
Funding period: begin in April | 6 or 12 months
Funding: 2.000 euros per month
if applicable: child supplement (300 euros for the first child, 150 euros for each additional child)
Separate call for proposals for start-up funding for female postdocs to enter the postdoc or habilitation phase, financed from funds of the Professorinnenprogramm III (female professors programme)
Funding period: from April 2025 | duration up to 6 months
Funding: 1 Brigde Scholarship (subject to the provision of funds)
A maximum of up to 2 bridging scholarships can be awarded to female postdoctoral researchers
2,000 euros per month
if applicable, child supplement (300 euros for the first child, 150 euros for each additional child)
Here you will find all the information on the funding requirements, a list of all the necessary documents for the online application and the selection process:
The doctoral grade must be proven at the time of application or at the latest for the pre-selection for the 2nd round.
A Bauhaus Post-Doc Scholarship may not be awarded to candidates who are already receiving public funding.
Scholarships may not be awarded to full-time employees. Candidates are allowed, however, to work part-time in research or teaching at a university or non-university research institute for a maximum of 12 hrs. per week or other part-time work for a maximum of 5 hrs. per week (MdU 58/2019, changed with MdU 30/2022).
The funding period generally begins on 1 April.
Accompanying activities - the following is conceivable:
A final report must be drawn up at the end of the funding period.
Please use the online application form with file upload for your application documents:
Please include the following documents in the order shown below:
PLEASE NOTE – separate submission by the professor:
10. Letter of recommendation from a professor of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar with a statement regarding the project, as well as the academic and organisational integration of the post-doc scholarship recipient.
Please submit the letter of recommendation separately as a pdf file via the respective professor/department until 15th of January to the scholarship coordinator: stipendien[at]
The scholarship award committee at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar decides on the basis of the quality, feasibility, prospects of success and sustainability of the postdoctoral project applied for from the perspective of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Furthermore, social aspects and biographical hurdles can be taken into account.
Usually, applications are reviewed in a two-phased selection process:
||| Different deadline apply for the summer call. |||
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Timon Rabczuk, Vice President for Projcts and Research
Chair of the Scholarship Commission of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Stephan Zandt, Faculty of Media
Professur für Philosophie und Ästhetik sowie für Medienphilosophie
»Bärenkinder. Mediatisierte Kindheit um 1900«
Anna Gonzalez Suero, Faculty of Art and Design
Professur für Arts and Research
»Storying artistic research using methods of autoethnography«
for women entering the postdoc or habilitation phase
[not awarded in 2024]
(not awarded in 2023)
Jelena Jeremejewa
supported by the Professur für Philosophie und Ästhetik
»Frohes Neues Jahr!«
Melike Orhan
supported by the Professur für Sozialwissenschaftliche Stadtforschung
»The effects of urban space quality in determining the value of squares use as public space: the case of Weimar city«
Marina Vinnik
supported by the Professur für Medien-Ereignisse
»Object-Oriented Ontology and Bauhaus«
for woment o start a habilitation or postdoc project
[not awarded in 2023]
Learn more about the projects in the online scholarship gallery.
Leo Bockelmann
begleitet durch die Professur für Denkmalpflege und Baugeschichte
»Verdrängte Industrialisierung? Landwirtschaftsbauten aus der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts als schwieriges Erbe.« (Teilstipendium)
Max Neupert
begleitet durch die Professur für die Gestaltung medialer Umgebungen
»Electrically actuated strings for hybrid musical instruments« (Teilstipendium)
Jelena Jeremejewa
Fakultät Medien, begleitet durch die Professur für Bildtheorie
»Frohes Neues Jahr!«
Reham Hassanen
begleitet durch die Professur für Sozialwissenschaftliche Stadtforschung
»Revisiting Integration through Cultural Mapping: Cultural integration of Arab Newcomers in German cities (Thuringen)«
Katia Schwerzmann
begleitet durch die Professur für die Philosophie audiovisueller Medien
»Toward a Hauntology of Touch« [nicht angetreten]
Julia von Mende
begleitet durch die Professur für die Theorie und Geschichte der modernen Architektur sowie der Professur für Stadtplanung
»Wohnpraktiken und ihre Räume: Zur Geschichte der empirischen Erforschung des Wohnens«
for women to enter the habilitation or post-doc phase
[not awarded in 2022]
Ivana Sidjimovska, Ph.D.,
Project at the Faculty of Art and Design, supported by the department Public Art and New Artistic Strategies
»Aus der Peripherie: Das Humboldt Forum als Museum der Solidarität«
Dr. Giorgia Aquilar
Project at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, supported by the department Conservation and History of Architecture
»Heritage Entanglements. Infesting Architectures, Displacing Legacies, Sublating Cities«
Dr. Zohreh Sheikh Khozani, Projekt an der Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen, unterstützt von der Professur für Computational Mechanics (Teilstipendium)
»Determination of suspended sediment concentration: application of entropy concept and new soft computing methods«
Dr. Christoph Engemann, Projekt an der Fakultät Medien, unterstützt von der Professur Geschichte und Theorie der Kulturtechniken (Teilstipendium)
»Medien und Geschichte der Transaktion«
Dr. Rebekka Ladewig, Projekt an der Fakultät Medien, unterstützt von der Professur Theorie medialer Welten (Teilstipendium)
»Eindringliche Botschaften. Eine Kultur- und Mediengeschichte des Pfeils«
Kaya Behkalam, Ph.D., Projekt an der Fakultät Medien, begleitet durch Professur für Bildtheorie
»Virtual Excavations«
Dr. Shuvajit Mukherjee, Projekt an der Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen, begleitet durch Professur für Modellierung und Simulation – Mechanik
»Investigation on dynamic crack propagation for brittle material: A phase field approach considering underlying physics«
Theresa Schubert, Ph.D., Projekt an der Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung, begleitet durch Professur für Gestaltung medialer Umgebungen
»Fleisch im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit«
Dr. Steffen Hven
Fakultät Medien, begleitet von der Professur für Medienphilosophie
»Cinema and Narration: Towards an Embodied and Media-Anthropological Approach«
Thüringer Programm zur Förderung von Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchskünstlerinnen
Dr. Christa Pfafferott
Fakultät Medien, künstlerisches Postdoc-Projekt begleitet von der Professur für Bildtheorie
»Die Ecke.«
Dr. phil. Ammalia Podlaszewska
Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik, begleitet von der Professur für Sozialwissenschaftliche Stadtforschung
»Temporality in Urbanism: Mobility and Neighborhood gentrification. Adapting the methodology of comparative urbanism«
Dr. Chao Ding
Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen, begleitet von der Professur für Angewandte Mathematik
»Conformally Invariant Differential Equations and Applications in Physics«
Dr. Saskia Kuliga
Computer Science in Architecture
»Converging perspectives – Using virtual reality to evaluate user-centred architecture«
Bauhaus-Postdoc-Profil+ Scholarship
Till Ansgar Baumhauer, Ph.D.
History and Theory of Art
»Kunst und/oder Subversion. Kritische künstlerische Stimmen im persisch-pakistanischen Stadt- und Kulturraum und ihr Bezug zu künstlerischen Positionen iranischer, afghanischer und pakistanischer Künstler im Exil«
Dr. Amir Mosavi
Modelling and Simulation of Structures
»Computational Materials Design Innovations«
Dr. Lena Eckert
Philosophy of Audio-Visual Media
»Affektive Rationalität oder: 'Wer Bildung will, darf Bildung nicht wollen'«
Dr. Johannes-Christian Warda
Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Prof. Hans-Rudolf Meier
Denkmalschutz = Denkverbot? Untersuchungen zu Theorie und Lehre des Entwerfens im Bestand
Dr. Mostafa Jamshidian (2014)
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Prof. Timon Rabczuk
Constitutive modelling of surface-energy-minimizing and strain-energy-minimizing grain boundary migration in polycrystalline metals by the coupling of Finite-Element and Phase-filed Methods
Dr. Amir Saboor Bagherzadeh (2013)
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Prof. Timon Rabczuk
Development and implementation of goal-oriented error estimators for non-linear problems and problems involving fracture
Hassan Yousefi (2012)
Multiresolution based simulation of multiscale schemes
supervised by Prof. Dr. Timon Rabczuk, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Danny Lobos (2011)
Sustainable Room Layout under BIM Environment
supervised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Donath/ Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard König, Faculty of Architecture
Cosmin Anitescu (2010)
Introduction to Isogeometric Analysis
supervised by Prof. Dr. Timon Rabczuk, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Maja Linke (Ph.D.) (2014)
Faculty of Art and Design, Prof. Herbert Wentscher and Prof. Christiane Voss
Aisthetische Unfügsamkeit als Möglichkeit der Entordnung von Sichtbarkeiten
Dr. Liza Wing Man Kam (2014)
Faculty of Architecture, Prof. Frank Eckardt
Topography of the transforming symbolism - Post-colonial heritage in East Asian cities
Dr. Lena Eckert (2013)
Faculty of Media, Prof. Christiane Voss
Affektive Rationalität oder: „Wer Bildung will, darf Bildung nicht wollen“
Dr. Eva von Engelberg (2013)
Faculty of Architecture, Prof. Carsten Ruhl
Dänemark um 1800 – der Klassizismus als Nationalstil?
Nicole Stöcklmayr (2012)
Skripte und Bilder. Kulturtechniken im parametrischen und algorithmischen Architekturentwurf
supervised by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Siegert/ Prof. Dr. Barbara Wittmann, Faculty of Media
Claudia Tomadoni (2011)
Die innovativen Wege der Stadt. Zukunftsträchtige Strategien?
supervised by Prof. Dr. Max Welch Guerra, Faculty of Architecture
Adriana da Silva (2011)
Konformitätsbewertung für Städte am Beispiel der Stadt Weimar
supervised by Prof. Dr. Max Welch Guerra, Faculty of Architecture
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