Scholarship Databases

There is a variety of publications which help finding an appropriate scholarship. Via the scholarship databases other scholarship donors can be found:
mystipendium [database]
- Language: German
- Query: 34 filter criteria, requires registration
e-fellows [database]
- Language: German
- Query: Subject , Target Country, Target Group, Benefits
ELFI [database]
- comprehensive database containing 5600 programmes and 2200 national / international funding institutions
- requires subscription
DAAD [database German] [database English]
- Languages: German (outgoing) and English (incoming)
- Query: Subject, Country of Origin, Status
- Detailed information about the scholarships
The Researcher´s Mobility Portal Germany: Funding Database EURAXESS Germany / Alexander von Humboldt Foundation [database]
- Languages: German / English
- Query: Country of Origin, Academic Field, Target group
- Links to the funding institutions