The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar would like to attract outstanding students and graduates of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar to start a doctorate at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Students and alumni of all four faculties who are planning a doctoral project at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar can apply for a scholarship in the preparation phase.
In the funding year 2024/2025 4 Bauhaus Start-Up Scholarships are available:
The application deadlines will be 15 of January and 31 August 2024.
The general rules are:
Eligible for funding are:
Please note:
The start date of the scholarship is April 1 at the earliest and October 1 at the latest.
Accordingly, the last scholarship payment must be made no later than March 2025.
Following the scholarship, the scholarship holders are obliged to submit a final report and, if applicable, proof of acceptance by the respective Doctoral Candidate Admissions Board that has been applied for or has taken place in the meantime.
The application is made (in German or English) via the online form with file upload for your application documents:
Please include the following documents in the order shown below:
7. Statement by a professor of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar who will supervise the doctoral project.
- should include statements on the applicant as well as on the planned doctoral project and its integration in the department.
Please submit separately by the respective department online as a pdf. For better comparability, please use the "Letter of Recommendation Form" if possible and send it directly to the scholarship coordinator.
The decision on the awarding of grants is taken by the Scholarship Commission at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, taking into account the following criteria:
Attempts to deceive candidates will result in immediate exclusion from the procedure. In this case, a renewed application is excluded.
In view of the absolute confidentiality of the selection procedure, no reasons will be given to applicants for decisions by the commission.
The selection is subject to the availability of funds.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Timon Rabczuk
Chair of the Scholarship Commission at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Vicce President for Projects and Research
Leonie Link
graduate Architektur (Master), supervised by Prof. Dr. Mona Mahall
»Towards (Stories/Practices of) Spatial Disobedience In the Cracks of Western Modernity«
Enikő Charlotte Zöller
graduate Urbanistik (Bachelor), supervised by Prof. Dr. Hans-Rudolf Meier
»Alltägliches Erbe zwischen Norm und Usus Serialität im (post)sozialistischen Mittelosteuropa«
Isabella Lee Arturo
graduate Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung (Master), supervised by Prof. Ursula Damm
»Electronic Misfits: Artistic Practices For Technological Self-Determination Of Marginalized Individuals And Communities.«
Camilo Londoño Hernández
graduate Public Art and New Artistic Strategies (Master), supervised by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alexandra Toland
»Alphabet of Silence«
Dilşad Aladağ
Graduate European Urban Studies (Master),
supervised at the Departement Arts and Research
»Creating a "contra-cartography" of the endangered ecological constellations: Çukurova's nomadic pastoralists and wetlands«
Elham Asadpour Rahimabadi
Graduate Public Art and New Artistic Strategies (Master),
supervised at the Department for History and Theory of Art and Presentation Methodology in Design
»The Capital of Ruins. Reclaiming Forgotten Narratives in Iran Artistic Study on Cities as Archive«
Flora Hagedorn
Graduate Architecture (Master)
supervised at the Department for Theory and History of modern Architecture
»Eine holistische Architekturkonzeption - Die Produktionsästhetik des Jugendstils als Methodik für die Gegenwart«
More about the projects in the scholarship gallery
Ulas Yener
Absolvent MediaArchitecture, Professur für Gestaltung Medialer Umgebungen
»Fremde Türen. Interactive Media Archive as Realm of Memory Focusing on 60 years History of Turkish Immigration in Germany«
Beverly Engelbrecht
Absolventin Architektur, Professur für Darstellungsmethodik im Entwerfen
»Architekturen der Sexarbeit. Eine Untersuchung zweier Kieze in Berlin«
Alicja Sulkowska
Absolventin Medienwissenschaft, Professur für Archiv- und Literaturforschung
»Die zweite Demiurgie. Archivieren der Erinnerung und Materialisieren des Gedächtnisses in den Erzählungen von Bruno Schulz im Kontext polnisch-jüdischer Erinnerungskultur«
Farzane Vaziritabar
Absolventin Public Art and New Artistic Strategies, Professur für Sozialwissenschaftliche Stadtforschung
»From MEN's places to OURplatz«
Maria Victoria Behler, European Urban Studies (Master)
Professur für Informatik in der Architektur
»The interrelation between social and spatial dimensions of social cohesion in a multi cultural context. A study on forced displaced people and hosting communities.«
Liese Endler, Absolventin Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung (Master)
Professur für Immersive Medien
»Labor für Bewegungsdrang und Immersion - mit der 360°-Kuppel zu körperzentriertem Interface Design jenseits von Klicks, Swipes und Touchscreens«
Nora Spiekermann, Public Art and New Artistic Strategies (Master)
Professur für Kunst im öffentlichen Raum und neue künstlerische Strategien
»Der Offene Kanal Europa - eine Forschungsplattform für Public Access Strategien«
Claire d'Incau, Absolventin Kunsterziehung (Staatsexamen)
Professur für Kunst und ihre Didaktik
»Emotionen - Beziehungsmodi zwischen Künstler, Rezipient und Kunstwerk«
Anna Lensen, Absolventin Medienmanagement (Master)
Juniorprofessur für Organisation und vernetzte Medien
»Zukunftsfähige Formate im Journalismus - journalistische Plattformen und wie sie sich aus Sicht junger Rezipierender in den Mediennutzungsalltag integrieren lassen«
Jakob Wirth, Absolvent Public Art and New Artistic Strategies (Master)
Professur für Kunst im öffentlichen Raum
»Parasite Art - an exploration of a new artistic genre«
Marcell Hajdu, graduate Europäische Urbanistik (Master)
Department for Spatial Planning and Research
»Urban heritage projects in the national identity politics of the Hungarian illiberal state«
Daria Kolesnikova, graduate Medienwissenschaft (Master)
Department for Image Theory
»Textilmuster der Avantgarde als Medien des Reproduzierens«
Husain Vaghjipurwala, graduate Europäische Urbanistik (Master)
Department for Urban Planning
»Investigating Housing Supply: its distribution and aggravation of Inequalities«
Yulin Zhang, graduate MediaArchitecture (Master)
Department for Landscape Architecture and Planning
»Memory · Village · Land: A Narrative Research of Landscape and Identity Preservation of Chinese Traditional Village under Rapid Urbanization«
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