Overview of contact points for students
In case of emergency / External counselling
Non-university emergency centres

In life-threatening cases, use the EMERGENCY NUMBER 112!
Answer the five »W questions« on the phone:
- What has happened?
- Where has it happened?
- Who is calling?
- What number of people are injured?
- Wait for further questions!
For acute psychological crises:
- Telefonseelsorge:
anonymous and free counselling around the clock;
Tel.: +49 (0) 800 / 111 0 111 or
Tel.: +49 (0) 800 / 111 0 222,
E-Mail and online consultation, www.telefonseelsorge.de - Seelefon:
self-help counselling for those with mental illness;
Tel.: +49 (0) 228 / 7100 24 24 or
Tel.: +49 (0) 1805 / 950 951,
E-Mail: seelefon@psychiatrie.de, www.bapk.de/en/ - Nummer gegen Kummer:
free and anonymous - for all questions, concerns and problems;
Child and youth helpline: 116 111 (WITHOUT dailling code),
Parents’ helpline: +49 (0) 800 / 11 10 550,
E-Mail and online consultation for children and youth, www.nummergegenkummer.de - NeST - Network for Suicide Prevention in Thuringia:
comprehensive counselling on the topic of suicide;
Tel.: +49 (0) 36 41 / 93 90 465,
E-Mail: info@nest-thueringen.de, www.nest-thueringen.de - MuTeS - Muslimisches Sorgentelefon (Islam helpline):
anonymous, confidential, understanding and competent;
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 / 443 509 821,
www.mutes.de - Thadine – Thuringian Anti-discrimination Network:
independent counselling centre combatting discrimination in Thuringia;
Tel.: +49 (0) 361 / 213 47 395,
E-Mail: beratung[at]empowermensch.org, www.thadine.de
For more severe psychological emergencies:
- Emergency admission to the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in Weimar, the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in Jena or another clinic with a psychiatric department in your municipality
- Consultation hours at the social psychiatric service in Weimar or your local municipality
- Emergency medical services (Tel.: 116 117)
Studierendenwerk Thüringen
The Studierendenwerk Thüringen offers free counselling opportunities for students. In addition to the centres for General Social Counselling (ASB) and Psychosocial Counselling (PSB) all locations also offer free Legal Advice.

General Social Counselling Weimar
Marienstraße 15a, 1. OG, Raum 211
99423 Weimar
Tel.: +49 (0) 36 41 / 55 46 819
E-Mail: asb-weimar[at]stw-thueringen.de

Psychosocial Counselling (PSB)
» Info on presence consultation
» Info on video consultation
» Info on consultation by phone
» Info on advisory walk
Student-level Advising Services
The StudyGuides are students employed by the university who offer support for all kinds of questions about studying and even help students with personal issues. The StudyGuides regularly invite you to activities where you can exchange ideas and also get to know fellow students.
Office of Student and Academic Affairs
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 15
99423 Weimar
E-Mail: studyguides@uni-weimar.de
The DiversityGuides are a group of students who deal with issues of diversity and discrimination at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. If students experience discrimination – on or off campus – the DiversityGuides can serve as their first point of contact and provide support in dealing with the situation.
Student Councils (FsR)
Student Councils serve as the centre of student self-administration at faculty level and simultaneously adopt a coordinating role in the representation of interests. They serve as the first point of contact for all students within their faculty in case of problems or when there are projects to implement.
All Student Councils are based in the »Haus der Studierenden« located at Marienstraße 18 (Second floor), 99423 Weimar.
to the Student Councils:
Student Councils contact info:
Student Government (StuKo)
The Student Government is the cross-faculty, central, university-wide committee representing the student body. It is not directly elected by students but is equally composed of four students from each of the four Student Councils.

Simone Braun
Managing Director StuKo
Marienstraße 18, top floor
in the »House of Students« M18
99423 Weimar
phone: +49 (0) 36 43/58 30 19 or
phone: +49 (0) 36 43/5830 38
office hours:
Monday until Friday noon - 2 p.m.
Faculty-level Advising Services
Ombudsperson for students (Faculty of Architecture & Urbanism only)
The Ombudsperson for students is the point of contact for students who experience situations of conflict in daily student life. They provide support, advice, information and mediation.
Ombudsperson for students (Faculty of Architecture & Urbanism only):
Teaching staff
Teaching staff are your direct contact persons with whom to discuss issues concerning individual, specific courses.
Academic Advising
The Academic Advisors for the individual degree programmes provide advice on subject-specific questions regarding course content, examination requirements, course structure and organisation.
List of academic advisors for the individual degree programmes:
Coordination of Student and Academic Affairs
The Coordinators of Student and Academic Affairs handle all organisational tasks for one or several degree programmes, including room management, examination administration and preparation of the lecture catalogue for a degree programme or the entire faculty.
List of Coordinators of Student and Academic Affairs for the individual faculties:
- Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism
- Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
At the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the »Academic Advisors« also take on the role of »Coordinators of Student and Academic Affairs« for the respective degree programme. - Faculty of Art and Design
- Faculty of Media
Examination Office
The Examination Offices of the individual degree programmes provide information on exam dates and modalities for exam registration as well as thesis and examination results.
List of Examination Offices for the individual faculties:
International Councellor (Incoming)
International Counsellor (Incoming) supervise all international students enrolled for at least one semester at the respective faculty of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. They advise international students on both academic and organisational matters and prepare the »transcript of records« at the end of the study visit.
List of International Counsellor (Incoming) for the individual degree programmes in the faculties:
International Counsellor (Outgoing)
International Counsellor (Outgoing) support domestic students who are enrolled at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and are embarking on a semester abroad at a partner university. This includes advising and guiding students in the preparation and implementation of their stay abroad as well as the ECTS recognition of students’ academic achievements after they return from their semester abroad.
List of International Counsellor (Outgoing) for the individual degree programmes in the faculties:
Head of degree programme
University-level Advising Services
General Academic Advising
General Academic Advising offers help with learning and working difficulties; provides counselling with regard to changing your subject areas or discontinuing study; supports you in planning your studies and managing your time; assists with study-related personal problems; and offers advice regarding further study options.

Christian Eckert, StaatsEx LAG Kunst
Student Advisor
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15, room 005
phone : +49 (0) 36 43/58 23 58
e-mail: studium@uni-weimar.de
office hours:
Tuesday and Thursday
10 - 11.30 a.m. and 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Wednesday 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
also by appointment
Student Office
The Student Office of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is the central point of contact for any questions regarding applications, admissions and organisation of your studies.

Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15
99423 Weimar
Office Hours:
Tuesday to Thursday
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Phone Consultation:
Monday until Friday
10 a.m. – 12 a.m. and 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
phone: +49 (0) 36 43/58 23 23
fax: +49 (0) 36 43/58 23 60
e-mail: study@uni-weimar.de
Representative for the Needs of Students with Chronic Illnesses and Disabilities
The Representative for the Needs of Students with Chronic Illnesses and Disabilities offers students specific disability-related counselling, e.g. on financing studies, provision of aids, disability compensation at exams, choice of degree programme as well as admission to and completion of studies.

Head of Division and Officer for Studying with Disabilities
Dipl.-Kulturwiss. (Medien) Michaela Albrecht
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15, room 007
phone: +49 (0) 36 43/58 23 49
e-mail: michaela.peisker[at]uni-weimar.de
International Office
The International Office is the point of contact for all matters on the topic of »studying/internships abroad« and for international students during their stay in Weimar.
International Office:
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
International Office
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15
99423 Weimar
phone: +49 (0) 36 43/58 23 73
fax: +49 (0) 36 43/58 23 75
email: international-office@uni-weimar.de
Office hours:
Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Maximilian Heilek
Secretary's office
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15, Room 110
Phone: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 23 73
Ombudsperson for International Students
The Ombudsperson for International Students serves as a confidant and central contact person for suggestions of improvement and complaints from all international students.

International Student Ombudsperson
Prof. Peter Benz
e-mail: ombudsperson@uni-weimar.de

Deputy International Student Ombudsperson
Dr. Christian Kästner
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15, room 109
phone: +49 (0) 36 43/58 23 64
e-mail: ombudsperson@uni-weimar.de
Equal Opportunity Officer
The University Equal Opportunity Officer as part of the »Equal Opportunity Office« works together with the »Equal Opportunity Advisory Board« to ensure the constitutionally guaranteed equality of opportunity for all genders throughout the university. The Equal Opportunity Officer advises all members of the Bauhaus-Universität on, for example, experiences of sexual discrimination and violence.

Equal Opportunity Officer and Head of Department
Tina Meinhardt
Equal Opportunity Office
Amalienstraße 13, Room 303
99423 Weimar
Tel.: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 42 40
Fax: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 42 45
E-Mail: tina.meinhardt@uni-weimar.de
Consultation hours by appointment
Diversity Officer
The Diversity Officer is committed to ensuring equal opportunities and the elimination of obstacles/disadvantages for students, doctoral candidates and staff. This essentially includes taking an active stance against all forms of discrimination and disadvantage as well as providing advice and support to people who have experienced discrimination at the university.

Diversity Officer
Dr.in Miriam Benteler
Amalienstr. 13, Room 303
99423 Weimar
Tel.: +49 (0) 3463 / 58 42 43
Fax: +49 (0) 3463 / 58 42 45
E-Mail: miriam.benteler@uni-weimar.de
University Strategic Development Office
Responsibilities of the University Strategic Development Office include provision and analysis of evaluations in the area of Student and Academic Affairs as well as giving advice on the quality assurance and development processes for studies and teaching.
E-Mail: zue@uni-weimar.de
University Complaints Office for Student and Academic Affairs
The »University Complaints Office for Student and Academic Affairs« assists students with complaints concerning courses and teaching staff, examination and study organisation or issues not dealt with by the counselling service centres.

Andreas Kettritz and Laura Muske
University Complaints Office for Student and Academic Affairs
University Strategic Development Office
Amalienstraße 13
99423 Weimar
Complaints Office in the event of Discrimination
Pursuant to the »Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz« (General Equal Treatment Act) and the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar guidelines for protection against discrimination, the »Complaints Office in the event of Discrimination« examines complaints lodged by students or staff of the university in the event of discrimination or sexual discrimination, harassment and violence and, if necessary, introduces measures and sanctions.

Dipl.-Ing. Ronny Schüler and Dr.in Carolin Wick
Complaints Office in the event of Discrimination
Implementing Change Processes
Examination Committee
The Examination Committeeis the body of the faculty responsible for resolutions in all examination-related matters as well as monitoring proper examination procedure and is also the conciliation body in the event of inadequacies. The composition of individual Examination Committees as well as their resolutions can be found on the websites of the Dean’s Office of each faculty.
To the Commissions and Committees of the faculties:
Student Commission
The Student Commission is an advisory body of the faculty, composed with equal representation. The Student Commission must be consulted before decisions are taken by the self-governing body in all matters relating to teaching, studies and examinations.
To the Commissions and Committees of the faculties:
Faculty Board
Faculty Boards discuss and make decisions on matters of fundamental importance to the faculties. These include, for example, regulations and statutes, developments concerning teaching personnel, budgetary matters or questions relating to Student and Academic Affairs.
Dean of Studies
A Dean of Studies (sometimes also referred to as »Vice Dean for Study Affairs« or »Vice Dean for Student Affairs«) is the point of contact within the faculty for matters of »Student and Academic Affairs« who decides on all questions across degree programmes concerning further inter-faculty development.
The Dean presides over the Dean’s Office, represents the independent administration unit within the university and sets the guidelines for the Dean’s Office. The Dean assigns an area of responsibility to each Vice Dean, which the Vice Deans are to perform independently and on their own authority. The Dean furthermore contributes to ensuring the quality of teaching and learning on the basis of processed data obtained from the quality assurance system of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
Student & Academic Affairs Committee
The Student & Academic Affairs Committee prepares the decisions to be taken by the Senate, primarily on issues relating to the introduction and discontinuation of degree programmes, Habilitation regulations and general provisions for study, examination and doctoral regulations.
the Senate is the central, academic collegial body at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The Senate generally meets once a month and its meetings can be attended by all university members. It takes all decisions that are of fundamental importance to the university. The tasks and composition of the Senate are regulated in section 35 of the Thuringian Higher Education Act (ThürHG) and in section 8 of the Basic Regulations (Grundordnung) of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
Marina Glaser, M.A., M.P.A.
phone: + 49 (0) 36 43 / 58 11 16
e-mail: marina.glaser@uni-weimar.de
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8
99423 Weimar
Anke Rexhausen
phone: + 49 (0) 36 43 / 58 11 14
e-mail: anke.rexhausen@uni-weimar.de
Vice-President of Student and Academic Affairs
The Vice-President of Student and Academic Affairs is appointed from among the members of the university by the President in agreement with the Senate. Vice-Presidents fulfil their duties independently and autonomously in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Presidium.
Vice-President of Student & Academic Affairs
Dr. Simon Frisch
Dr. Simon Frisch was appointed Vice President of Student and Academic Affairs on 7 June 2023.
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8
99423 Weimar
Phone: +49 (0) 36 43/ 58 37 37
E-mail: simon.frisch@uni-weimar.de
Administration Office
Anke Rexhausen
Phone: +49 (0) 36 43/ 58 11 14
E-mail: anke.rexhausen@uni-weimar.de
The President represents the university externally and is responsible for maintaining order and exercising domiciliary rights. Through the relevant Dean’s Offices, the President ensures that individuals with teaching obligations can adequately fulfil their duties in connection with teaching and examining as well as their duties in properly supervising students. In this connection, the President has the right to supervise and delegate tasks to the respective Deans of individual faculties.
The President leads the »Presidium«, dass zuständig ist für alle die gesamte Universität betreffenden Angelegenheiten von grundsätzlicher Bedeutung, die nicht einem anderen Organ vorbehalten sind.
Prof. Peter Benz
Peter Benz was appointed President on 1 March 2023 for a six-year term.
Office hours President
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8
99423 Weimar
Phone: +49 (0) 36 43/ 58 11 11
E-mail: praesident@uni-weimar.de
Administration Office
Juliane Behrendt
Phone: +49 (0) 36 43/ 58 11 10
E-mail: juliane.behrendt@uni-weimar.de