On this page, you will find various links which will take you to the most important areas of our website. If you are looking for information about a specific topic or individual, please use our search function in the upper right-hand corner.
Academic Advising
Where can I get advice on continuing education and post-graduate study programmes? Our General Academic Advising and Faculty Advising can help answer your questions.
Academic organization
During your studies at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, don’t forget to take care of the formalities. The Student Office provides you with information concerning re-registration deadlines, semester fees and the semester schedule.
University Services
Attend language courses, practising sport or engage the initiatives of the Students Representative Committees – the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar offer its students a wide range of services.
What else is going on?
Read up on the latest daily news about the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in the news portal, message boards and calendar. You might also want to check out upcoming competitions and calls for proposals.
Theory meets practice
During your entire stay at the University, the Career Service offers valuable tips for entering the workforce.
After graduation
How does the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar stay in contact with its alumni? Which Master’s degree programmes and doctoral degree are offered by the faculties? Is it possible to work and continue studying at the same time (continuing education)?
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