In the event of discrimination or disadvantage, students, doctoral students and staff can turn to the various counselling services at the university. You can find the relevant contact persons here.


Information on the topics racism (focustopic 2024), sexual and gender diversity, UN-Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Diversity in teaching and further measures 


The Diversity Fund provides support for implementing and making visible projects, measures and initiatives at the university that address issues of diversity, equal opportunities and anti-discrimination. Here you can find more information about the Diversity Fund.


of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Three people sitting on a bench, waying to get attention.

Meet the team of the Diversity Department.

Different pepople sitting together around a table.

The Diversity Advisory Committee supports and advises the Diversity Officer and the Diversity Department.

Two people in a councelling context

Diversity Guides and Awareness Team

The Diversity Guides are students who provide peer-to-peer counselling to support students who have experienced discrimination at the university.

The Awareness Team consists of university students. They are available as contact persons at university events and parties if people do not feel comfortable there, need support or if discrimination, harassment or violence occurs. 

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»Möglichkeiten der Studienfinanzierung« — Online-Fortbildungsreihe für Studierende, Schüler*innen & Studieninteressierte (6. März bis 29. April 2025)

Eine stabile Finanzierung des Studiums nimmt einem viele Sorgen ab. Damit Ihr die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten der Studienfinanzierung kennt, informierte Entscheidungen treffen könnt und Chancen bestmöglich für Euch nutzen könnt, hat für Euch die 3-teilige Online-Fortbildungsreihe »Möglichkeiten der Studienfinanzierung« zusammengestellt. Du kannst Dich zu allen Veranstaltungen anmelden oder auch nur einzelne herauspicken, die Dich besonders interessieren.

Logo zur Filmreihe »Equity@Bauhaus — Movie Edition«

Film Screening: »THE EMPTY GRAVE« (Friday, 21 March 2025 | 7:30 PM | Maurice Halbwachs Auditorium)

To mark the International Day against Racism (21 March), the Diversity Office and the Equal Opportunity Office are showing the film »THE EMPTY GRAVE« (Original version in Swahili, German and English with English subtitles, PG 12) in the Maurice Halbwachs Auditorium (Audimax). All members and affiliates of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar are cordially invited to attend! Admission is free.


REGISTER NOW! — Online Workshop: »Female Scientists Change the Tune: Gender, Power and Communication in Academia« (17 March 2025, 9 AM to 1 PM)

This online workshop is about deciphering and changing (non)verbal gender-specific communication practices in academia: You will learn to read and — whenever you consider it fitting and appropriate — to change gender-specific codes in your communication and to influence others’ communication. The aim of the workshop is to jointly come closer to a diversity-conscious, non-violent form of communication across all gender boundaries that contributes to an unbiased gender-interaction, fair participation in power distribution, and equal opportunities in university working environments.

Das bild zeigt die inter*-inklusive Progress-Pride-Flagge

Umfrage unter queeren Studierenden: »Queeres Leben am Hochschulcampus und danach: was bedeutet ›queer-friendly‹ für mich?«

Die Rainbow-Day GmbH (, die u.a. LGBTQIA+ Karrieremessen organisiert und ein queeres Karrierehandbuch herausgibt, führt gerade eine Umfrage unter queeren Studierenden zum Thema »Leben und Erfahrungen queerer Studierender auf dem Campus und ihre Wünsche an die (queer-freundlichen) Arbeitgebenden von morgen« durch. Die Auswertung der Umfrage (die selbst nur drei Minuten dauert) soll dazu beitragen, Hochschulen in ihrem Empowerment der Community mit zu begleiten und Unternehmen noch weiter dafür zu sensibilisieren, welche Themen queeren Studierenden und Absolvent*innen heute für den Job(einstieg) wichtig sind.

Das Banner in den Farben der Trans-Pride-Flagge am Balkon des Hauptgebäudes.

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar sends a signal of solidarity on the occasion of the »Transgender Day of Remembrance«

From November 13 to 20, 2024, the »Trans Pride Flag« will be displayed on the balcony of the Main Building to express solidarity with the trans communities: The occasion is the »Transgender Day of Remembrance« (TDoR) on November 20, which commemorates the worldwide victims of transphobic violence. The campaign was initiated by the StuKo department »QueerYMR«.

Schriftlogo zur Veranstaltungsreihe »Equity@Bauhaus - Movie Edition«

Film Screening: »THERE'S STILL TOMORROW« (Monday, 25 November 2024 | 8:00 PM | Audimax)

To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (November 25th), the Equal Opportunity Office and the Diversity Department are showing the film »THERE'S STILL TOMORROW« (German dubbed version with English subtitles, PG 12) in co-operation with the Frauenzentrum Weimar e.V. All members and affiliates of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar are cordially invited to attend! Admission is free.

Das Schriftlogo zeigt die Worte »Bauhaus-Universität Weimar - Diversitätsfonds«

Apply now until 21 November 2024: »Diversity Fund« Supporting Diversity, Equal Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination Projects

The Diversity Department's »Diversity Fund« is entering its next round of calls for applications. Individuals and groups can apply for funding of max. 500 euros through the fund for actions or projects that deal with diversity, equal opportunities or anti-discrimination. Preference will be given to projects with a clear connection to the university.

Foto der Glasvitrine in der Unibibliothek

Collection of literature on the topic of racism

As part of the thematic focus »University critical of racism«, the Diversity Department has restocked the glass display case at the service counter of the University Library. The display case now presents a collection of introductory and further literature on the topic of racism and (intersectional) criticism of racism. New acquisitions by the University Library have significantly expanded the collection on this topic.

Share-Pic zur Veranstaltung (alle wichtigen Infos und Daten im Text) lädt zum Regionaltreffen in Weimar (Samstag, 19. Oktober 2024 | 10:00 bis 16:30 Uhr | WerkBank)

Die eigene Bildungsgeschichte erzählen und dadurch Schüler*innen aus Familien ohne Hochschulerfahrung zum Studium ermutigen — dieses Erfolgsrezept setzt auch in Thüringen um. Hier engagieren sich die Ehrenamtlichen aktuell in drei lokalen Gruppen: in Erfurt, in Weimar und in Jena. Am 19. Oktober kannst Du sie kennenlernen: beim Regionaltreffen in Weimar.

This was the 2024 »Campus Pride Week«

From Monday, 17 June to Sunday, 23 June, 2024, the third »Campus Pride Week« with numerous events took place at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar on the occasion of »Christopher Street Day (CSD) Weimar« (22 June). The aim of the theme week was to make sexual and gender diversity visible at the university and to set an example against exclusion and discrimination. Here you can find impressions of the 2024 »Campus Pride Week«.

Schriftlogo zur »Campus Pride Week«

June 17 to 23: »Campus Pride Week« celebrates sexual and gender diversity at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

From Monday, 17 June to Sunday, 23 June 2024, the second »Campus Pride Week« will take place at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar on the occasion of »Christopher Street Day (CSD) Weimar« (22 June). For one week, sexual and gender diversity will be celebrated on campus and queer history, art and culture will take centre stage. The diverse program invites all members and affiliates of the university to engage with the complex realities of queer people's lives, and offers members of the LGBTIQ*(+) communities various opportunities to exchange ideas and network. Click here for the programme.

Logo zur filmreihe »Equity@Bauhaus — Movie Edition«.

Film Screening: »IO CAPITANO« (Tuesday, 28 May 2024 | 7:00 PM | Kommunales Kino im »mon ami«)

On the occasion of the 2024 Diversity Day (May 28th) the Diversity Department and the Equal Opportunity Office are showing the film »IO CAPITANO« (Wolof and French with German subtitles, PG 16) at Kommunales Kino im »mon ami«. Admission is free for members and affiliates of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (show your Thoska at the entrance — free choice of seats while supplies last).

Symposium Bauhaus.fragility - May 29, 1 pm-6 pm

This symposium will feature presentations, workshops and discussions with initiatives from the BUW and guests from UDK Berlin and TU Berlin. These initiatives and experts will present valuable perspectives on how to deal with racism and sexism in the academic environment, strategies to combat discrimination and the potential for shaping a more inclusive and equitable environment. We aim to jointly develop strategies and actions to dismantle racist, sexist and discriminatory practices within our university.

May 16 to June 7: Diversity Days 2024 at Thuringian universities

We cordially invite you to the Diversity Days 2024 at Thuringian universities from May 16 to June 7, 2024! The events on the topics of diversity and anti-discrimination at universities will take place partly digitally and partly in person at Thuringian universities. This year's motto is »Standing up for diversity! Together at universities«. The events will highlight barriers to accessing institutions of higher education and science, present support and advice services and provide spaces for discussion on how Thuringian universities can be designed as shared places of learning, research and work for everyone.

Movie May: Four Films on Gender Equality, Diversity and Anti-Discrimination (16 to 18 May, Audimax | 28 May, Mon Ami)

In May, we will be showing four films on gender equality, diversity and anti-discrimination as part of the »Equity@Bauhaus — Movie Edition« series: »THE POLICE OFFICER'S WIFE« (Thursday, 16 May, 5:00 PM, Audimax) | »XXY« (Friday, 17 May, 7:30 PM, Audimax) | »ANASTASIA« (Saturday, 18 May, 4:00 PM, Audimax) | »IO CAPITANO« (Tuesday, 28 May, 7:00 PM, Kommunales Kino im Mon Ami) — All members and affiliates of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar are cordially invited to attend! Admission is free.


Öffentliche Vortragsreihe | ab 06.05.2024 | Lounge in der Universitätsbibliothek

International Lesbian Visibility Day: Film »BLUE JEAN« (Friday, 26 April 2024 | 8:00 PM | Audimax)

On the occasion of the International Lesbian Visibility Day (April 26th), we are showing the film »BLUE JEAN« (English with German subtitles, PG 16) in the Audimax. The event is part of the »Equity@Bauhaus – Movie Edition« film series organised by the Diversity Department and the Equal Opportunity Office. All members and affiliates of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar are cordially invited to attend! Admission is free.

Schriftlogo zum Filmprogramm »Equity@Bauhaus – Movie Edition«

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: Talk, Conversation and Film »The long path of the Sinti and Roma« (Thursday, 21 March 2024, 6:00 PM, Audimax)

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21 March) and the anniversary of the recognition of the Nazi genocide of the Sinti and Roma (17 March), we are holding an event on »antigypsysm«. Melody Steinbach, Educational Ambassador for Antigypsyism, will introduce us to the topic. Afterwards we will show Adrian Oeser's documentary film »THE LONG PATH OF THE SINTI AND ROMA« (German with English subtitles). All members of the university are welcome. Admission is free.

Schriftlogo zum Filmprogramm »Equity@Bauhaus – Movie Edition«

FLINTA* Fight Day 2024: Film Screening »Die Unbeugsamen« (Friday, 8 March 2024, 8:00 PM, Audimax)

To mark FLINTA* Fight Day 2024, the Diversity Department and the Equal Opportunity Office will be showing the documentary film »Die Unbeugsamen« in the Audimax on Friday, 8 March 2024 at 8:00 PM. The film screening marks the start of the six-part film programme »Equity@Bauhaus – Movie Edition«, which deals with topics of equity, diversity and anti-discrimination. All members and affiliates of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar are cordially invited to attend. Admission is free.

Das Foto zeigt den Torso einer Frau. Sie trägt ein schwarzes T-Shirt mit der weißen Aufschrift »Mental Health Matters«.

»MentalUP Awareness-Month« on discrimination and mental health (From 29 January to 23 February 2024)

From 29 January to 23 February, the University of Potsdam is organizing the »MentalUP Awareness-Month«. During this week, experts will hold lectures, workshops and readings on the topic of »mental health« — many of these events will take place in the form of online formats. In order to make the connections between different forms of discrimination and mental health visible, the influence of classism, racism and ableism on the psyche is examined in the course of various topic weeks.

Event-Flyer - alle Infos auch im Text

Ausstellungseröffnung und Gespräch: »Neue Heimat Weimar: Migrantische Biographien Weimarer Frauen« (10. Nov. 2023, 18:00 Uhr, Frauenzentrum Weimar)

»Sie kommen aus einem anderen Land oder einem anderen Teil Deutschlands. Sie sind irgendwann nach Weimar gezogen und haben ihre alte Heimat verlassen. Acht Frauen haben sich gemeinsam mit ihren Biografien auseinandergesetzt — redend, schreibend, malend... Erste Ergebnisse werden nun in einer Ausstellung präsentiert. Das Projekt lädt ein, sich inspirieren zu lassen und mit seiner eigenen Migrationsgeschichte zu beschäftigen: Was macht Weimar zur Neuen Heimat?« (Event-Ankündigung des Frauenzentrums Weimar)