Diversity Fund
Support for Diversity, Equal Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination Initiatives, Measures and Projects
Application Deadline
The application deadline for the first call for proposals in 2025 is 21 May.
The online application form is available around 6 weeks before the deadline via the link below.
Online Application System
Link to the Online Application Form available from end of April
Call for Applications 2024, second call
Call for Applications as PDF for download
I. Aim
The Diversity Fund provides support for implementing and making visible projects, measures and initiatives at the university that address issues of diversity, equal opportunities and anti-discrimination. It also supports the exchange and networking of actors in the field of diversity/ equal opportunities/ anti-discrimination. Support is provided in the form of funding for materials and staffing resources.
The aim of the Fund is to support students, doctoral candidates and employees in actively participating with their projects in shaping a discrimination-critical and diversity-sensitive university.
II. Target Group
Students, doctoral candidates and employees (working in academia or technology and administration) of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar as well as student initiatives that deal with topics of diversity/ equal opportunities/ anti-discrimination in the context of actions and projects are eligible to apply. Preference will be given to projects with a clear connection to the university. Individual and group projects are eligible for funding.
Applicants must be enrolled or employed at the university until the end of the funded project.
Joint projects between students and university employees are strongly encouraged.
Challenging personal circumstances and biographical hurdles, such as disability or chronic illness, (parents’) social or educational background, child or family care responsibilities, migration background, experience of discrimination, etc., are taken into account when selecting projects.
III. Maximum Funding Amount
- max. 500 euros per project (materials and staffing costs)
Individuals have no legal entitlement to receiving of funds from the Diversity Fund. The awarding of funding is subject to availability.
IV. Eligible Topics and Use of Funds
What is eligible for funding?
- Initiatives and projects that deal with topics of equal opportunities, diversity and anti-discrimination.
- Actions and measures meant to make visible and/or reduce discrimination, disadvantages or barriers at the university are preferentially funded.
- Fees for lectures and workshops by invited speakers.
- Implementation of diversity-sensitive teaching and services.
Only costs for materials and staffing that are directly related to the implementation of the proposed project/initiative can be reimbursed.
Funding for projects and initiatives that have expired or already taken place (i.e. retroactive funding) is not possible.
The following are not eligible for funding:
- Partial staff positions (except student assistants and research assistants)
- Hospitality costs / daily allowances
- Teaching or workspace equipment or material resources that are included in the standard equipment
- Acquisition costs and rental fees for technical equipment that is available to be borrowed from the university [1]
- Acquisition of software and licences that are available at the university [2]
- Acquisition of literature that is available at the university or can be acquired from the University Library through an acquisition proposal [3]
If applicable, please explain in your application why it is not possible to use the university’s existing resources for your project.
Further limitations:
The »Diversity Fund« is open to all diversity topics. With regard to the dimension of gender, it only supports projects, initiatives and measures that deal with issues of gender diversity or consider gender from an intersectional perspective. If applicable, the intersectional dimension of the project must be explained in the brief description of the project.
Projects, initiatives and measures that deal exclusively with women or equality between women and men cannot be funded by the »Diversity Fund«. For these projects, it is possible to apply to the Equal Opportunity Office's »Women's Promotion Fund«.
[1] Please contact the respective faculties for information on borrowing technical equipment:
- https://www.uni-weimar.de/en/architecture-and-urbanism/profile/workshops-and-labs/
- https://www.uni-weimar.de/en/civil-engineering/services/technical-service/technology-lending/
- https://www.uni-weimar.de/en/art-and-design/structure/workshops-and-equipment/
- https://www.uni-weimar.de/en/media/services/system-support/
- https://www.uni-weimar.de/en/art-and-design/structure/workshops-and-equipment/central-workshops/media-production/
[2] Please contact the Service Centre for Computer Systems and Communication (SCC) for information on available software and licences:
[3] Acquisition of literature can be requested by submitting the following form on the University Library website:
V. Application Deadline
There are typically two application deadlines a year: 21 May and 21 November.
Applications submitted after the deadline will not be processed. Incomplete applications submitted by the deadline will not be processed. Missing documents may be submitted up until the deadline.
VI. Application Documents
- A filled-out online application form
- Title and brief description of the project (max. 1000 words), including information on the future continuation of the project after completion (e.g. integration and continuation in existing projects or structures)
- On an additional page: where applicable, an explanation of your personal circumstances and biographical hurdles such as caring for a child or relative, a disability or chronic illness, your (parents’) social or educational background, migration background, experience of discrimination, etc.
- Financial plan: proposed use of funding broken down into an itemised list
- Project implementation timeline
- For Students: Proof of student status; For doctoral candidates: Proof of acceptance as a doctoral candidate
Additional applications documents (project presentation, financial plan, etc.) must be uploaded as a single PDF file to the online application platform.
We value sustainability and climate justice. Please take this into account when planning your projects and initiatives (materials, transportation, etc.).
VII. Applicant Requirements
- Applicants must check for the possibility of receiving project funding through the »Women’s Promotion Fund«, »Congress Expense Fund«, »Kreativfonds«, or the publication funds of the Equal Opportunity Office or the University Library.
- Applicants must state in their application if they have applied for or been approved for funding elsewhere.
- A 1-2 page written report must be submitted within two months after the project has been completed (diversitaet@uni-weimar.de).
- Applicants must settle all costs with the Diversity Department within 6 months after the project ends.
- Any expenditures that do not correspond to the purpose applied for may result in funding being retroactively revoked. Funding may be reclaimed in these cases. Reallocation of requested funding for the project is possible; to do so requires the submission of an informal reallocation application (to be sent to: diversitaet@uni-weimar.de), which must be approved by the Awarding Committee before funds are spent.
Reference must be made to Diversity Fund support in all (university) publicity information and communication concerning the funded project. You will be given the Diversity Fund logo to use for anything published (online).
Projects are presented on the Diversity Department’s website.
VIII. Awarding Committee
The Diversity Advisory Committee acts as the awarding committee.
Data Protection
Rights of the Applicant:
(This translation is for information purposes only. For the legally binding version, please see the German text)
- The personal information collected by the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Diversity Department is processed in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR), the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Thüringer Datenschutzgesetz (ThürDSG) in their respective applicable versions.
- The responsible body for data processing in accordance with the EU-GDPR is: The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Diversity Officer, Amalienstraße 13, Room 303, 99423 Weimar, Phone: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 42 43, E-mail: diversitaet@uni-weimar.de
- The responsible Data Protection Officer is: The Data Protection Officer, Büro des Kanzlers/Chancelor’s Office, Belvederer Allee 6, 99423 Weimar, Telefon: +49 (0) 3643 / 58 12 22, E-mail: datenschutz@uni-weimar.de
- The data collected in this form will be destroyed 15 years after it has been received. You have the right to access, rectification, restriction of processing, deletion, disclosure, and the right to object to the processing of your personal information. You have the right to revoke your consent under data protection law at any time. You have the right to submit a complaint to a supervising authority, regardless of any other administrative or judicial recourse.
- Detailed DSGVO regulations can be found in the privacy policy on our website at www.uni-weimar.de/datenschutz. These rights may be exercised with the Diversity Officer or the Data Protection Officer at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar through a written request.
Funded Projects
Nadja Krakunovic (Faculty of Art and Design)
(Video performance)
Project description:
»HYDRA« is a performative investigation — a contemporary tale — with the mission to master the individual female voices in the public space and dig into their unspoken, using the voice as a discipline in the discourse of personal agency and authenticity. The digging aims to dramatize the individual voices into a matriarchal monument. The piece, as a many-voiced creature, is a consequence of the 2-months-process of workshops held by the artist, dealing with the autobiographies of the six female agents; their voices, tongues, and wombs, finding authentic methods of expression and autonomy.
Dr. Katrin Richter (University Library)
»Else's Story — The Life of the World’s First Woman Stockbroker«
(Publication and subsequent readings, exhibition, lectures, podcast)
Project description:
Katrin Richters biografischer Roman erzählt die wahre Geschichte von Else Goldschmidt, der ersten Börsenmaklerin der Welt. Ihr Leben ist von Erwartungen, Emanzipation und Leidenschaft geprägt, aber auch von Existenzsorgen, Emigration und Heimatlosigkeit. Zufälle gehören zu diesem Leben ebenso dazu wie Momente voller Wagemut. Else Goldschmidt, 1898 in Berlin geboren, stirbt 1975 in Johannesburg als Else Hirsch. Zwischen beiden Ereignissen liegen siebenundsiebzig Jahre eines außergewöhnlichen Lebens. Durch einen Zufallsfund kam ihre Geschichte ans Tageslicht, die 2023 erstmals veröffentlicht wurde.
Jay Steinert (Faculty of Art and Design)
»Trans* Artists Portraits«
(Publication, collaborative photo-art project)
Project description:
»Trans* Artist Portraits« is a collaborative photo-art project. The project provides a contemporary look at artists who identify themselves as trans, non-binary, genderqueer, or otherwise outside the gender binary. After the photoshoot the artist is invited to work artistically with the photo. There are no creative limits: from illustrations on the motif to collages, perfomances, texts, musical pieces — everything is possible. This way, a new original is created which reflects the gaze of the artist themselves.
1st Round of Applications (May 2023):
Teresa Fischer (Faculty of Art and Design)
»Herstory Repeats Itself«
Reham Hassanen (Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism)
»Integration Empathy Maps — Uncovering Newcomers' Experiences Through Cultural Mapping«
Project description:
This exhibition explored newcomers’ integration-related experiences in Weimar through Cultural Mapping, with the aim of fostering empathy and understanding. Under four themes (habitation, perception, interactions, and personal stories), preceded with a prelude on utilizing Cultural Mapping, it featured students’ work from the Bauhaus Module »Cultural Mapping: A New Lens for Integration!«, combined with insights from the postdoctoral research project »Revisiting Integration through Cultural Mapping« on female Arab newcomers. These works, along with an artistic short video and a closing panel where visitors shared their thoughts, aimed to foster dialogue, empathy, and a shared commitment to inclusive communities.
Cornelius Kreuzwirth (Faculty of Art and Design)
(Short movie)
Project description:
In dem queeren Community-Kurzfilm »Staub« geht es um Miro, einen schwulen Balletttänzer, der nach einem Unfall seine Ballettkarriere und damit seine Identität überdenken muss. Durch die queere Community beginnt Miro langsam zu verstehen, dass sich Identitäten im Laufe eines Lebens auch innerhalb des eigenen Körpers ändern dürfen.
Patrícia de Paula Silva (Faculty of Art and Design)
»The Black Side of a White Story«
2nd Round of Applications (Nov. 2023):
Teresa Fischer (Faculty of Art and Design)
»Queering Hinterconti«
Feydrea Vialista (Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism)
»Myth of the Melting Pot – Food as Medium for Social Interactive Spaces and Habitation Process«
Anna Lina Weiss (Faculty of Art and Design)
»›Mit den Kindern gehe ich zum Rhein…‹ — Eine Visualisierung des gegenwärtigen jüdischen Lebens in Köln«
(Wandfüllende Grafik für eine Ausstellung)
Project description:
Das Ziel der Arbeit war die Abbildung eines Dialoges zwischen dem vergangenen und dem heutigen Stadtbezug jüdischer Kölner:innen. Auf der Grundlage von Interviews mit aktuell dort lebenden Jüdinnen und Juden gestaltete ich eine wandfüllende Grafik, welche einzelne Zitate in geographischen Kontext setzt und verbildlicht. Das Projekt ist in Zusammenarbeit mit dem »MiQua.LVR — Jüdisches Museum im Archäologischen Quartier Köln« entstanden.
1st Round of Applications (May 2024):
Jülide Nur Alemdar (Faculty of Media)
»Ja Sam danas veliki drugi a biću sutra veliki prvi možda / Heute bin ich der große Zweite, und morgen werde ich vielleicht der große Erste sein«
Emily Cheung (Faculty of Art and Design)
»Paris London New York Milano Souvenir in Weimar«
Zelda Dietrich (Faculty of Art and Design)
»Revolution in a Vacuum — Komposition und Choreografie mit Staubsaugerrobotern«
Alina Houška (Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism)
»Walküre: Die fehlenden 14.000 Plätze«
Jonathan Mürmann (Faculty of Art and Design)
»Reception of Sound by Neurodivergent People and their Art«
Rodrigue Saad (Faculty of Art and Design)
Erphaneh Sadeghzadeh (Faculty of Art and Design)
»Faceless, Placeless«
(Photo book)
Project description:
»Faceless, Placeless« explores the identity struggles faced by women who always had to live with two personalities and two faces in society. By using archived photos, personal narration, and collected stories in the format of a photo book this project depicts the dichotomy experienced by these women — the conflict between the enforced image of obedience in public and the desire for freedom in private.
Jay Steinert (Faculty of Art and Design)
»Gender Playground«
(Installation, exhibition, performance)
Project description:
In aufwühlenden Zeiten begebe ich mich auf die Suche nach einem utopischen Ort. Ein Ort der Freiheit von geschlechtlichen Normen, ein Ort des Spiels und der Freude am Ausdruck des Selbst. »Gender Playground« umfasst eine Rauminstallation, kollaborative fotografische Arbeiten, die während dieser Installation entstehen, sowie eine diese Arbeiten reflektierende Ausstellung und Performance.
Jolien Vandoorne (Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism)
»Disability Visibility«