»MentalUP Awareness-Month« on discrimination and mental health (From 29 January to 23 February 2024)
From 29 January to 23 February, the University of Potsdam is organizing the »MentalUP Awareness-Month«. During this week, experts will hold lectures, workshops and readings on the topic of »mental health« — many of these events will take place in the form of online formats. In order to make the connections between different forms of discrimination and mental health visible, the influence of classism, racism and ableism on the psyche is examined in the course of various topic weeks.
5 February 2024 | 5 pm
Online-lecture: »Class and the Psyche«
On 5 February, 5 pm, Prof. Dr. Francis Seeck will hold an online-lecture titled »Wenn die Gesellschaft krank macht — Klasse und Psyche im Fokus« (»When society makes you ill — a focus on class and the psyche«). Prof. Seeck will speak about the intersectional interconnectedness of classism and mental health. Central to the lecture will be the housing situation of persons affected by poverty and the effects on their mental health.
12 February 2024 | 12 pm
Online-lecture: »Racism and mental health«
On 12 February, 12 pm, Prof. Dr. Meryam Schouler-Ocak will hold an online-lecture on »Rassismus und psychische Gesundheit« (»Racism and mental health«). The lecture addresses the particular challenges faced by people affected by racism in terms of mental health and makes recommendations on how to deal with them.
15 February 2024 | 9 am
Online-workshop for teaching staff: »Racism and the well-being of students— Lecturers as supports«
On 15 February, 9 am, the University of Potsdam will host an online-workshop on »Rassimus & Studierendenwohl — Dozierende als Rückhalt« (»Racism and the well-being of students— Lecturers as supports«). The workshop is aimed at lecturers and intended to raise awareness for the interconnectedness of experiences of racism, performance pressure and the mental health of students. Practical examples will be used to develop communication and action strategies to support students.
You can find the full programme of »MentalUP Awareness-Month« at the University of Potsdam, further information and the registration link here: