Topics and measures

Below you will find an overview of topics, measures, projects and tasks of the Diversity Department.

The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar's diversity strategy stipulates that, in addition to overarching measures, the university will develop target group-specific programmes and focus on topics that address the specific needs and requirements of certain disadvantaged or discriminated groups.

In 2024, we focus on racism, particularly at the university.




Here you can download the »Diversity Strategy of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar« as an accessible PDF document.  


Bauhaus University is working on the implementation of a accessible study environment based on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted in 2008, especially in the areas of awareness-raising, barrier-free communication, digital and structural accessibility.  


The Bauhaus-Universität attaches great importance to including and addressing people regardless of their gender or gender identity. Here you can find the Guidelines for the Use of Gender-Sensitive Language at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, language guides as well as further tips and supports for using language in a gender-sensitive manner.  


In September 2020, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar participated in Weimar's Intercultural Week for the first time with a showcase exhibition, a radio report, a digital edition of the Language Café and a city tour called »Decolonize Weimar«.  


From June 2021 to May 2023, Bauhaus University participated in the audit »Vielfalt gestalten« in order to develop and implement a diversity strategy aimed at anchoring the topic of diversity more firmly in their institutional structures.  


The »Diversity Guides« are a group of students who provide peer-to-peer counselling to students who have experienced or observed discrimination.  


Events and parties are an important part of university and student life. However, people sometimes experience discrimination, abusive behaviour or violence there. To ensure that everyone feels safe, we provide awareness teams for the university's events.


On the website »Sexual and Gender Diversity«, LGBTIQ*+ students and staff of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar can find advice, support and community services on campus and beyond. Teachers, staff and »allies« can find literature, tips and supports for creating an LGBTIQ*+ inclusive study and work environment.  
