In 2022, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar will be awarding one »Bridge Scholarship for Women Beginning Their Doctoral Studies«. This bridge scholarship is aimed at female early career researchers and artists in the transitional phase between a Master’s degree, Diplom or State Exam and a doctorate/PhD. It is intended to serve as startup funding for the development of a doctoral project.
The scholarship recipient is awarded €1,000.00 per month for a period of up to six months, as well as non-material support in the form of the opportunity to participate in accompanying workshops. The scholarship holder is free to choose the funding period between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023.
The earliest deadline for applications is 31st of January 2022. Applications are possible on an ongoing basis at the latest until 31st of August 2022, depending on the awarding and the availability of funds.
You can find more information about the bridge scholarship on the website »Scholarships and Funding«.
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