On the occasion of the double anniversary of the TKG (10 years of the Thüringer Kompetenznetzwerk Gleichstellung) and the ThüKO NWT (25 years of the Thüringer Koordinierungsstelle Naturwissenschaft & Technik), the Equal Opportunity Office of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is showing the film »Feminism WTF (What the Fuck)« in the central auditorium Audimax (Steubenstr. 6, House F). All students, doctoral candidates and employees of the Thuringian universities are cordially invited to attend!
»The women*'s movement is the most successful social movement of the 20th century and has affected all levels of society. Its successful struggle has not only achieved better living conditions for women*, but it has also radically changed our ways of life and our ideas of living together. And although feminist debates like #metoo have reached the center of society, the term ›feminist‹ still carries negative connotations.
The documentary ›Feminism WTF (What the Fuck)‹ breaks down a variety of topics that are being negotiated under the term feminism in 2023. Experts from political and social sciences, masculinity studies, gender, queer and trans studies explore the question of how we can all contribute to breaking down relationships of power and dependency in order to become a society of the many that is united in solidarity. This involves many current debates: Why do we always talk about only two genders? Why do women* have to do most of the unpaid housework and child-rearing? Why are capitalism and feminism at odds with each other? What does European colonialism have to do with today's ideas of sexual freedom and racist stereotypes? Why do we need feminism to save the climate? And why do so few men actually get involved in feminism?
In ›Feminism WTF,‹ director Katharina Mückstein sets the experts in a cinematic dialogue with music video sequences set to Tony Renaissance's electronic soundtrack: the aestheticized dance and performance motifs break with common notions of pop-feminism and create fun, new images of the body and gender.« (Translation of distributer's announcement text)
(German-language) Trailer for the film:
Please click here
Monday, November 27, 2023
8:00 p.m. onwards
Audimax of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Steubenstr. 6, House F).
Free admission
Original German version with English subtitles
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