The Equal Opportunity Office of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has issued calls for applications for four different funds for women and encourages all qualified female candidates to apply.
(first application deadline: 28 Feb. 2022)
As a measure to promote gender equality, the Equal Opportunity Office’s »Equalisation Fund« is financed by the Professorinnen-programm III (funding programme for female professors) of the German federal government and federal states for the period of 2022 to 2024. The »Equalisation Fund« should serve to lessen the workload of women who are junior professors, professors or scientific or artistic/creative employees who are involved in committees at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The fund is also intended to provide additional incentives for women to become more involved in committees or in university or faculty management, so that gender parity can be established in the long-term in all university committees.
Applicants can apply for financial support for compensatory or career-promoting measures for their work in particular offices, bodies, advisory boards, commissions, or committees.
(first application deadline: 28 Feb. 2022)
The Equal Opportunity Office's »Publication Fund« is aimed at early career female scientists and artists (i.e. women in doctoral programmes, post-docs, artistic/creative employees, and junior professors) in all faculties at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
Applicants can apply for financial support for up to 2,500 euros (incl. MwSt.) from the fund. This funding can be used towards covering the costs of publishing their scientific or artistic/design work with a publishing house or independent publishing (i.e. without working with a publishing house).
(first application deadline: 31 March 2022)
*** The official call for applications and online application form will be provided soon. Applications through the online system are expected to be possible after Feb. 14th. ***
The Equal Opportunities Office's »Women's Promotion Fund« is aimed at students, doctoral candidates and academic or artistic/creative employees of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
On the one hand, the »Women's Promotion Fund« serves to promote early career female scientists: Measures which enable female academic employees or doctoral students to gain further qualification can be supported with a maximum amount of €1,000 (Funding Line I). Projects by female students can be funded with a maximum amount of €500 per project (Funding Line II).
On the other hand, the »Women's Promotion Fund« serves to support projects aimed at increasing the proportion of women in STEM courses and/or enhancing the principles of gender mainstreaming in teaching and research: Projects which increase the percentage of female students in scientific-technical courses of study can be funded with a maximum amount of €2,000 per project (Funding Line I). Projects of female professors or academic employees which advance gender research or integrate gender-related aspects in study, teaching or research can be supported with a maximum amount of €2,000 per project (Funding Line II).
(first application deadline: 31 March 2022)
*** The official call for applications and online application form will be provided soon. Applications through the online system are expected to be possible after Feb. 14th. ***
The Equal Opportunity Office's »Congress Expense Fund« is aimed at female students, doctoral candidates and academic and artistic/creative employees of the Bauhaus University Weimar. Funding covers (parts of) the cost of conference fees and travel expenses and can be provided for:
(a) participation in a congress or event in Germany or abroad/ participation in online conferences for which the applicant has successfully submitted a piece of work, lecture, poster presentation or paper. The maximum funding amount is 500 euros per application.
(b) attending a congress or event in Germany or abroad/ attending online conferences without making a contribution, if this demonstrably serves the further professional development of the applicant. The maximum funding amount is 200 euros per application.
You can find more information on all four funds on the Equal Opportunity Office’s website »Internal Funding Programmes«.
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