In July 2023, the Thüringer Kompetenznetzwerk Gleichstellung (TKG / Thuringian Competence Network for Gender Equality) published a completely revised new edition of the German language guide »Sag's doch GLEICH! — Gendersensible Sprache an Thüringer Hochschulen«.
The newly released second edition of the language guide provides impulses for the implementation of gender-sensitive language at Thuringia's universities, offers suggestions and tips on various formulation options and contains examples from everyday university life. The first edition of the language guide, published in 2015, was updated in the new edition with regard to currently used forms of gender-sensitive language and expanded to include further thematic aspects and helpful tips.
A print version of the language guide in pocket format is available at the Equal Opportunity Office (Amalienstr. 13). On the website of the Thüringer Kompetenznetzwerk Gleichstellung, you will find anaccessible PDF version of the language guide. There, you can also find a collection of recommended readings (publications, handouts and tools) on the topic of gender-sensitive language.
Further information on the topic of »Gender-sensitive language« can also be found on the Equal Opportunity Office's website of the same name.
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