On 7 April 2022, from 2pm to 5pm, there will be an online event on »The Diversity of Gender at Universities: Challenges and Opportunities« (in German). From 2pm - 4pm, Né Fink will give an online lecture on the topic. From 4pm - 5pm, trans/inter/non-binary members of the Thuringian universities will get a chance to network online (moderated by Né Fink). The event is jointly organized by Thüringer Kompetenznetzwerk Gleichstellung (Thuringian Competence Network Gender Equality) and Netzwerk Diversität an Thüringer Hochschulen (Network Diversity at Thuringian Universities).
Dear members of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar:
we hereby invite you to the online event »Geschlechtliche Vielfalt an Hochschulen: Herausforderungen und Chancen« (»The Diversity of Gender at Universities: Challenges and Opportunities«) on 07.04.2022 from 14:00 to 17:00, which is jointly organized by Thüringer Kompetenznetzwerk Gleichstellung (Thuringian Competence Network Gender Equality) and Netzwerk Diversität an Thüringer Hochschulen (Network Diversity at Thuringian Universities). The event takes place in German.
An online lecture (14:00 to 16:00) will provide an easy-to-understand introduction to the topic of diverse gender identities and highlight its importance for the university context. Together with the speaker, Né Fink, we will discuss how to deal with the diversity of gender and structural challenges in higher education.
Afterwards, an online networking meeting moderated by Né Fink will take place for trans/inter/non-binary (TIN*) students and employees at Thuringian universities (16:00 to 17:00).
Further information can be found in the event flyer (in German), which is linked here.
Prior registration is required for the lecture and the networking meeting: https://pretix.eu/diversitaet-thueringen/vortrag-gevi/. With the registration you will receive access to the online events.
For further inquiries, please contact: Dr. Daniela Heitzmann (daniela.heitzmann[at]tu-ilmenau.de) or Silke Meinhardt (silke.meinhardt[at]uni-jena.de).
Your team from the Equal Opportunity Office and the Diversity Department
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