Since 17 March 2014, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Studierendenwerk Thüringen, in cooperation with the Hochschule für Musik FRANZ LISZT, have been offering the flexible childcare service »Bauhäuschen« at Amalienstraße 13. Students and employees of the Weimar universities and the Studierendenwerk Thüringen can leave their children aged 12 weeks to 7 years in the hands of trained students for four hours a day or a maximum of ten hours a week.
The Bauhäuschen has two play and sleep rooms as well as space for pushchairs and a cloakroom. The Bauhäuschen is located on the 4th floor and is easily accessible with a pushchair via a lift.
Care is usually available Monday through Thursday from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. and on Fridays from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Prior registration and booking of a place is required for childcare. This can be done in blocks (one block corresponds to two hours). Payment is made in advance and amounts to € 5.00 for a two-hour care block for students and € 10.00 for employees.
Students, employees and guests of the Bauhau-Universität Weimar and the Hochschule für Musik FRANZ LISZT and employees of the Studierendenwerk Thüringen can use the childcare service for their children.
You have to submit following forms and documents to the INFOtake in Weimar before your child visits „Bauhäuschen“ for the first time.
copy of child's birth certificate
Office hours of the INFOtake Weimar
monday to friday 10 am - 2 pm
You can either write an e-mail, go there in person or call the INFOtake Weimar (+49 (0) 3641 / 5546 850) three days prior to the beginning of the childcare at the latest. The availability of a place will be checked and you will be informed as quickly as possible. If there is a place for your request, please pay the payment for the childcare service in advance at the cashier of the INFOtake Weimar (in the foyer of the Mensa am Park).
At the INFOtake Weimar and at the dining hall's cash desks you can pay with the thoska or by SEPA bank transfer.
The childcare service in the „Bauhäuschen“ is available, if necessary, from monday to friday.
On weekends and bank holidays the flexible childcare service is usually closed.
Opening hours „Bauhäuschen“ (according to requirements)
Monday - Thursday 8 am - 8 pm
Friday 8 am - 18 pm
A childcare service booking can be done in blocks, one block equals two hours. The maximum amount of care service time for a child is four hours a day or max. ten hours a week.
The student child-minders are trained by the Studierendenwerk Thüringen, successfully completed a first-aid training and have a current certificate of health. All of them take care of the children according to requirements and availability.
Please give your child one pair of non-skid socks and if applicable change of cloths.
Babies or infants also need diapers, baby wipes and a changing mat.
If your child needs to sleep during the „Bauhäuschen“ visit, it is important to bring a sleeping bag or somethng similar. Please mark every item you bring to the Bauhäuschen with a name.
There is no food or drink offered in the „Bauhäuschen“. If your child needs a meal or a drink during the childcare, it has to be brought also. Allowed food products are listed in the standard terms and conditions form (Allgemeine Nutzungsbedingungen).
If your child has fallen sick, it is not allowed to visit the Bauhäuschen. The staff is not allowed to give any medication to children. It is important, that you are always reachable under your stated telephone number/emergency number!
You can take further information from the standard terms and conditions form. An advanced application and booking is required for the childcare service „Bauhäuschen“.
Organised childcare services can help to make participating in conferences at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar easier for those interested in attending. Flexible »Bauhäuschen« childcare provides this service for the children of conference participants.
Information on childcare during conferences
· Childcare for children aged from twelve weeks up to seven years by trained childminders
· Registration possible up to 14 days before the start of the conference
· Registration forms are provided and must be completed by parents, and submitted before the childcare begins at the latest
· We are happy to provide more information about costs; payment by invoice is possible
· It is preferred for the childcare to be provided in the rooms of the Bauhäuschen Amalienstraße 13 which are specially equipped for children, but it can usually also take place at the conference location
Information for conference organisation
Please get in touch with the Equal Opportunity Office at the beginning of organisational work for conferences to ensure that needs-orientated planning and provision of information when the conference is announced is possible. A sample text for reference in the event programme as well as banners, registration forms and important information can be provided for conference organisation.
Mobile Bauhäuschen
The mobile Bauhäuschen makes it possible to offer games and activities directly at the conference location and to ensure childcare services from the Bauhäuschen right next to the conference rooms.
contact: Dr. Miriam Benteler
E-Mail: miriam.benteler[at]
Tel.: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 42 43
In order to support combining family, work and study, students and teachers with children who take part in face-to-face classes within degree programmes , which allow study alongside work, or the PhD-programme art and design, can request the services of the »Bauhäuschen«. For degree programmes which allow study alongside work, it is even possible to use the service on Fridays until 8pm at the latest as well as on weekends during face-to-face phases. Childcare in such cases can total a maximum of eight hours per day. In order to use this service, you must register in advance. To ensure early planning is possible, please register your need for childcare up to 14 days before the start of the childcare required. Bookings are made via INFOtake and can be booked in blocks (one block is two hours). INFOtake checks whether the required childcare is available and lets you know in good time. For a two-hour childcare block during the week the cost is €5.00 for students, and €10.00 for staff.
All further information concerning childcare in the Bauhäuschen can be found here.
If you have any questions, please contact INFOtake via: infotake-weimar[at] or by phoning +49 (0) 3641 / 5546 850.
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