For parents-to-be or employees who already have children, most of the frequently asked questions specifically concern combining work and family. At the university there are many information and advising services which can provide you with information about your legal rights and about support opportunities.
During the protection period in accordance with the MuSchG (see Legal regulations/Maternity protection), employees receive maternity pay from their health insurance company as income replacement. Women who are in employment and are entitled to sick pay as part of their health insurance policy are fundamentally entitled to maternity pay. The amount corresponds to the regular net earnings of the employee, whereby the health insurance company reimburses a maximum of €13 per day. The employer must contribute the rest with a subsidy. Women who are privately insured or hold a family policy are not entitled to this benefit from the health insurance company but they can apply for a one-off payment of up to €210 at the Bundesversicherungsamt (Federal Social Insurance Authority).
» Further information
» Mutterschaftsgeldstelle vom Bundesversicherungsamt
‘Elterngeld’ works as a form of wage compensation for parents who are looking after their children after birth. Any parent who does not work more than 30 hours per week, and is thus not gainfully employed on a full-time basis, can apply for this state benefit. Parental allowance is paid irrespective of the occupational group to an amount of up to 67% of net income. Parents who earn less than €1000 per month receive, under certain circumstances, up to 100% of their net income in the form of the parental allowance. ‘ElterngeldPlus’ is a new variant of the parental allowance which enables the benefit to be drawn for a longer period. Half of the wage compensation is paid out for double the amount of time. Parents are free to choose between the two variants or a combination of the two. Applications can be submitted to the responsible ‘Elterngeldstelle’ after the birth of the child. A maximum of three months will be paid retrospectively.
» Further information on Elterngeld
» Contact point for Elterngeldstelle in Weimar
Parents on a low income (single parents up to €600.00, couples up to €900.00) who look after unmarried children in their household who are under the age of 25 are entitled to a child supplement for a maximum period of 36 months at a maximum rate of €170.00 in accordance with Section 6a Bundeskindergeldgesetz (Federal Law on Family Allowances). This entitlement does not apply for parents who receive social security or unemployment (ALG 2) benefits. Applications are processed via the responsible ‘Familienkasse’.
» Further information
To promote equal opportunity in research as well as family-friendliness the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar awards Weimar scholarships for recommencing studies in order to facilitate continuation of a Ph.D. after a family break. The scholarship can support both women and men who have had to interrupt their Ph.D. for family-related reasons and, following a period of parental leave or time off for dependants, now wish to complete their research and resume their Ph.D.
Every child is entitled to ‘Kindergeld’ from birth through to the end of their 18th year. The child Benefit can be applied for at the responsible Familienkasse der Agentur für Arbeit (family benefits office of the Federal Employment Agency). Furthermore, there is also an’Kinderzuschlag’ (child supplement) which, under certain conditions, is paid in addition to the child benefit.
If a parent living apart from their child cannot pay maintenance, or can only pay it to a limited extent, for example due to having no income as a student, the child is entitled to an advanced payment of maintenance up until the end of its 17th year. The amount of the advanced payment of maintenance received depends on the age of the child but is at least €154 per month. Applications are processed at the ‘Unterhaltsvorschuss-Stelle’ at the 'Amt für Soziales und Familie'.
The protection of (expectant) mothers and (unborn) children is regulated by law through the Mutterschutzgesetz (Maternity Protection Act) - abbreviated to ‘MuSchG’. This provides female employees with special protection during pregnancy and after childbirth. The protection period, in accordance with the MuSchG, commences six weeks before the expected due date and ends eight weeks after childbirth or twelve weeks after the birth of more than one child as well as (upon application) if the child is disabled.
Who needs to be told?
The Personnel department must be informed in writing about a pregnancy by the employee as soon as possible, as the employee can only benefit from the protection rights of the MuSchG if she has told the university about her pregnancy.
What financial benefits are available? – Maternity pay
During the protection period in accordance with the MuSchG, employees receive maternity pay from their health insurance company as income replacement. Women who are in employment and are entitled to sick pay as part of their health insurance policy are fundamentally entitled to maternity pay. The health insurance company of the pregnant woman as well as the Bundesversicherungsamt (Federal Social Insurance Authority) can provide information and application forms.
For the time after the birth of a child or children the law enables parents to take time together with their child(ren). Regulations to this effect are enshrined in the Bundeselterngeld- und Elternzeitgesetz (parental allowance and parental leave act). Both parents are able to take parental leave of up to three years per child. Organisation of parental leave is flexible. It can be used by one parent, used alternately by both parents or used by both parents at the same time. The legislator provides for parents taking parental leave as a partnership and therefore also offers corresponding parental allowance models. Employment during parental leave is permissible provided that the hours worked per week are less than 30. The employer must be informed about parental leave in advance. Please contact the Human Resources department in this regard.
What financial support is available during parental leave?
Elterngeld (parental allowance) works as a form of wage compensation for parents who are looking after their children after birth. Any parent who does not work more than 30 hours per week, and is thus not gainfully employed on a full-time basis, can apply for this state benefit. If the father takes at least two months of parental leave, provision of the parental allowance can be extended by two months. ‘ElterngeldPlus’ is a new variant of the parental allowance which enables the benefit to be drawn for a longer period. Half of the wage compensation is paid out for double the amount of time. Parents are free to choose between the variants or a combination of them. Applications can be submitted to the responsible ‘Elterngeldstelle’ after the birth of the child.
According to section 2 paragraph 1 item 3 WissZeitVG the generally permissible fixed-term contracts of six years (without Ph.D.) and twelve years (with Ph.D.) for academic staff or artists for the care of one or several children under 18 years of age can be extended by up to two years per child.
If you have questions concerning this issue, please contact the Personnel Deparment.
Advice on
The Dual Career Network Thuringia is a network of various organisations in Thuringia which collectively strive to strengthen the professional and family-related integration of highly qualified couples in Thuringia. Every member of the network offers advice and support to applicants and their partners with the aim of achieving family-friendly human resources policies.
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