Time: 31.05.2023, 12.45 p.m. to 14.15 p.m.
Location: UB, Steubenstr. 6, Audimax
In German. No registration required.
Co-parenting is also called friendship-based (multiple) parenting and refers to people who consciously decide to become parents together without being in a romantic relationship. This can be, for example, a woman who joins forces with her best friend to start a family. It can also be two homosexual couples who join forces to have a child together. Or a live-in relationship that decides on long-term, binding joint care for a child. There are no limits to the possibilities or to the number of parents in everyday life. Legally, however, parenthood outside the heterosexual father-mother-child family is subject to many obstacles, which also has to do with society's ideal of the family.
In the lecture we will look at the lived practice of co-parenting based on a study by the speaker. We will talk about questions such as: What legal and everyday obstacles can parents face? What advantages arise when parenthood is based on friendship and the romantic love relationship is not at the centre of negotiations around care work? How is the work distributed - to what extent is gender also effective here?
If you want to listen to the topic beforehand - Alicia Schlender talks about co-parenting on deutschlandfunk: "Mit Co-Parenting traditionelle Familienbilder überwinden?" share.deutschlandradio.de/dlf-audiothek-audio-teilen.html;
Further information on Alicia Schlender is available at https://www.alicia-schlender.de/.
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