Before a trans person officially changes their name and/or civil status, their official identification documents might not match their affirmed gender, and their gender expression may be misread by others, too. This can often lead to unpleasant, stressful and humiliating questions or even dangerous situations during personal checks.
The dgti supplementary identity card issued by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität e.V. (dgti e.V./»German Society for Transidentity and Intersexuality«) is a standardised identification document that aims to reduce discrimination against trans people during identity checks. It contains all of the personal information a person has chosen for themselves, along with a current passport photo and the number on their official federal identity card. It thus serves as a »bridge« to the latter. The dgti supplementary identity card is already recognised and accepted by all ministries of the interior, the police, public authorities, banks, universities, insurance providers and many other official bodies. Where this is not yet the case, a QR code on the identity card can provide further guidance.
Note on the personalised semester ticket:
Public transport staff are authorised to carry out identity checks during passenger checks and to request official ID (with a photo). Discrepancies may arise between a person’s official name on identity documents and the self-chosen name that appears on their Thoska card (semester ticket) or in the Deutschlandsemesterticket app.
We therefore strongly recommend that students also apply for a dgti supplementary identity card if they have had their name and/or gender entry changed in the university’s internal registration systems in advance.
The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is not liable for any claims that may arise due to the self-chosen name and use of the corresponding documents.
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