Language Centre

Lived Multilingualism and Multilingualism as an Institutional Utopia
Prof. Peter Benz shares his personal and professional experiences in an interview with Dr. Ulrike Garde and answers the question »What role does multilingualism play at our university?« Spoiler: It includes cutlery.
Lived Multilingualism and Multilingualism as an Institutional Utopia

New Year, New Goals:
Achieve your language goals and sign up for summer semester language courses. Enrol from 5 to 11 April 2025.
The Language Centre

The Sprachenzentrum | Centre for Language and Cultural Learning is one of the central facilities of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
We offer language courses for students and employees of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar, as well as students from other universities and guests.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Im Sprachenzentrum können Sie Arabisch von Grund auf lernen, d.h. Sie müssen keine Vorkenntnisse mitbringen. Die Kurse bauen aufeinander auf, können daher also auch nur nacheinander besucht werden.
--> Kursbeschreibung
--> Kursangebot
German as a Foreign Language
At the Language Centre you can learn German at all levels (A1 - C1).
1. Courses during the lecture period
Many courses take place during the lecture period. Usually there are two 90-minute sessions once a week.
--> click here for information regarding the online placement test, course descriptions and levels
2. Intensive courses in March and September
For ERASMUS/exchange students we offer three-week intensive courses in March and September. If places are available, fulltime students can also be admitted.
--> click here for the intensive courses in March or September
3. Intensive German Courses | DSH
We offer intensive German language courses designed to acquire the German language skills necessary for studying or working in Germany. The courses have four different target levels (A2, B1, B2, C1/DSH).
--> Registration for the intensive German courses
4. Examination course to prepare for the DSH
In September of each academic year, a two-week course is offered to prepare for the German Language Test for University Admission (DSH). This course is aimed exclusively at applicants with conditional admission to the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Hochschule für Musik 'Franz Liszt'. Unfortunately, guests cannot be accepted.
--> Registration for the DSH course in September
Most of our English courses are taught at the intermediate and advanced level (B2-C1). Students may choose General English courses, or can opt for a Specialist Language Skills course.
--> click here for the current programme
We offer French courses at all levels (A1-C1). We also offer a C1 advanced course for students in the European Media Culture degree programme.
Click here for course descriptions and current course schedule
We currently offer beginner and intermediate level Italian courses. If there is sufficient demand, we can also offer advanced courses and skill-based courses.
Click here for course descriptions and current course schedule.
We are the only language centre in Thuringia with a full-time Swedish language instructor. This allows us to offer beginning and lower-intermediate level Swedish courses each semester.
Click here for course descriptions and current course schedule.
We currently offer beginner and intermediate level Spanish courses. If there is sufficient demand, we can also offer advanced courses and skill-based courses.
Click here for course descriptions and current course schedule.
Other Languages
If we are unable to offer the language you are interested in learning, you can use the facilities of the Language Centres at the universities of Erfurt and Jena. Please note that registration times may differ from the ones in Weimar.
StudIP: The Sprachenzentrum: Centre for Language and Culture Registration System
To sign up for a placement test or language course, you first need a StudIP account. This also allows you to check exam results and print certificates at the end of the semester.
A printable PDF guide here.
Be sure to enter your details correctly (first and last name in the correct order, correct date of birth and matriculation number, capitalise the first letter of your first and last name).
Be sure to check the Sprachenzentrum: Centre for Language and Culture website for up-to-date information on course offerings, entry requirements, and important dates.
Registration for the 2025 summer semester: 05.04.2025 - 11.04.2025
If you have any questions, please contact us at
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
How do I sign up for a language course and when are the registration dates?
If you want to sign up for a language course for the first time, you need to register via StudIP first. StudIP is the Language Centre's registration system. Once you have done that, you will have access to the registration procedures for all language courses, placement tests, etc. On StudIP you can also find all the courses you have attended sucessfully, the grades, and the levels you have achieved. Instructions as to how to use StudIP can be found here.
Please note that your place in a course can only be guaranteed by having paid the course fee in time.
If you already have some knowledge of the language(s) you would like to continue learning, you will need to do a placement test before attending one of our courses for the first time. Make sure to register for the placement test(s) via StudIP.
What happens if I miss the registration deadline?
If you miss the registration deadline, you still have a chance to sign up for your desired language course during the fee payment period – provided there are free spaces still available.
If the course is full, then you can inquire again on the second day of the payment period between 4 and 4.30 pm. Registered participants who didn't show up to pay the course fee forfeit their places in the courses. These are then offered to others starting at 4.15 pm.
What happens if I miss the first lesson of the course?
If for some reason you cannot attend the first lesson of the course, please inform us in advance (either when you pay the course fee or by e-mail, phone, etc.). Otherwise, you will automatically lose your place in the course.
Where do I find the current course schedule?
You can access the current course schedule on our website under Language Courses. The course schedules are also posted in the corridor of the Language Centre.
How can I receive credit for language courses?
Final grades are not automatically forwarded to the examination office of each faculty. To receive credit for your course, you have to submit the course certificate to your examination office.
Where and when can I speak with the instructors at the Language Centre?
The permanent employees of the Language Centre have their own offices where you can meet with them during office hours or call to arrange a special appointment.
You can contact our guest lecturers by e-mail and only during the lecture period. You may also leave messages for them at the Secretary's Office.
For an overview of the instructors at the Language Centre, please click on Contact.