The International Office requires all study-abroad candidates to submit a Language Certificate with their application. For the application you need to show that you have sufficient knowledge of the language used as a medium of instruction (often English) and/or the national language(s).
There are different ways of proving your current level in a foreign language:
1. School-Leaving Certificate
If you have learnt a foreign language (e.g. English) for at least seven years at school and that language was part of the final school-leaving exams, a copy of your school-leaving certificate is enough to prove your current level of the respective language.
*The certificate cannot be more than three years old. Certificates older than three years are invalid for this purpose.
2. Language Course Certificate
If you have successfully completed language courses in the target language at the Language Centre of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar or another university, you can hand in a copy of the latest certificate showing your current level.
3. International Language Certificates
If you have already successfully completed an international language exam, the certificate can also be used for the application, e.g.
TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Certificates, etc. for English,
DELF/DALF for French or
DELE for Spanish.
4. In All Other Cases: Language Certificate issued by the Language Centre
If you think that none of the options above are applicable, you can always ask for a Language Certificate at the Language Centre.
In order to assess your language proficiency, you need to take a short test. Please arrange a testing date with an instructor of the respective language. The test session takes approximately 20 minutes, during which the instructor assesses your reading and listening comprehension and verbal skills.
In order to evaluate your writing skills, please bring along a text that you have previously written in the foreign language (1 DIN A4 sheet, approx. 300-400 words). It is permitted to use a text which you wrote for a different purpose, e.g. letter of motivation, project description, etc.
For English, the basis for the assessment of your language skills is either a Language Course Certificate issued by the Language Centre (see 2 above) or your performance in a Versant English Placement Test (VEPT). Our recommendation is that you obtain the certification within the framework of one of our courses since this offers you the opportunity to refresh your English skills while also obtaining the necessary certificate. If instead you choose the VEPT option, all the relevant information can be found here.
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