Intensive German courses are offered in March and September of each academic year, with the view to support new incoming students. However, if places are available, full-time students and staff members of the Weimar universities can also enroll in the courses.
Course duration and class times | Teaching formats
The courses last three weeks and comprise a total of approximately 60 hours. The face-to-face teaching takes place between 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., but in some cases also in the afternoon from 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. In addition, compulsory assignments and self-study opportunities are provided via the university's learning platform Moodle.
All courses conclude with an examination on their last day. This exam includes a listening comprehension and reading comprehension task; written communication skills are tested and assessed. At levels A1 and A2, the exam also includes grammar tasks. Oral communication skills are graded, based on classroom performance.
Credit Points
4 CP are awarded to students who attend classes regularly and pass the final exam.
There are several steps required for enrollment. These are described below.
All students who would like to attend a German course at the Language Centre for the first time need to register on the Language Centre's enrollment platform. You can access the enrollment platform at
Instructions on how to use the platform can be found here in a printable PDF format.
All students who would like to attend a German course at the Language Centre need to take an online placement test if it is their first course at the Language Centre and if they already have some knowledge of German (e.g. completed A 1.1). Instructions for the online placement test can be downloaded here in PDF format.
The following steps need to be taken (before enrollment and the beginning of the course):
1. Register for the placement test at StudIP.
2. Take the test and send your score to E-Test-DaF[at] on time. If you have already obtained certificates, please also send a copy of your most recent certificate to this mail address.
3. Your current level (based on the score in the placement test and/or certificates) will be registered by us at StudIP. Please note: You can only enroll in courses from A 1.2 if your current level has been assessed.
Students who have already successfully completed a German course at the Language Centre in previous semesters do not need to do a placement test nor send a certificate.
For new incoming students, enrollment in the March intensive courses starts in October; enrollment in the September courses begins in April of each academic year.
After receiving the results of the placement test, new incoming students are automatically enrolled in the course that corresponds to their level.
If you have no previous knowledge, please let us know by mail to e-test-daf[at] We will then enroll you directly in the course DaF A 1.1.
Students from Weimar can enroll after the end of the lecture period or after having received their exam results, if places are available. You can find the enrollment period under Dates.
If you have no previous knowledge, please enroll directly in the course DaF A 1.1 at StudIP during the enrollment period.
For new incoming exchange students the intensive course in March or September is free of charge. All other students have to pay the course fee AND send a copy of the payment slip in time before the course starts.
The fees are 60 € for students, 80 € for staff members, and 300 € for guests. The fees need to be transferred to the following account:
Recipient: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar/Sprachenzentrum
Credit institution: HELABA
IBAN: DE39 8205 0000 3004 4442 73
Reason for payment: 9200 + <last name, first name> + Kursgebühr für IK DaF <month, course>.
Please make sure to use the correct reason for payment so that we can allocate your payment correctly.
After having transferred the fee, please do not forget to send a copy of the payment slip to sprachenzentrum[at]
Please note that once paid, course fees can only be refunded in exceptional cases. Therefore, we urge you not to transfer the course fees until you are sure that you can or really want to attend the selected course. Only through your payment is the enrollment binding and your course place secure.
All courses have their own course room on the Moodle learning platform. Here, teaching and exercise materials are provided, and here you will also find the link to the video conference if the course cannot take place face-to-face.
Registration in your Moodle course room is done by the Language Centre, provided you have enrolled in a course via StudIP, transferred the course fee AND sent a copy of the payment slip on time.
Please test your access to the course room on the weekend before the beginning of the course by looging on once.
The following teaching material is used in our courses. Please make sure that you have purchased either the print version or the e-book by the beginning of a course.
Level | Title |
A 1.1 | Panorama A 1.1 (Cornelsen-Verlag) |
A 1.2 | Panorama A 1.2 (Cornelsen-Verlag) |
A 2.1 | Panorama A 2.1 (Cornelsen-Verlag) |
A 2.2 | Panorama A 2.2 (Cornelsen-Verlag) |
B 1.1 | Panorama B 1.1 (Cornelsen-Verlag) |
B 1.2 | Panorama B 1.2 (Cornelsen-Verlag) |
B 1 + | Information about the material will be given in class |
B 2 | Information about the material will be given in class |
C 1 | Information about the material will be given in class |
To be done | dates |
Incoming Exchange Students: register for placement test on StudIP | 5/12/2024-18/2/2025 |
Send test result of the placement test | 5/12/2024-18/2/2025 |
Other participants: Enroll/pay course fee/send payment slip | 26/2 - 5/3/2025 |
Test access to Moodle/course room | 10-12/3 2025 |
The intensive German course in September will take place from 8- 26 Sept. 2025.
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