The following teaching material is used in our courses. Please make sure that you have purchased either the print version or the e-book by the beginning of a course.
Level | Title |
A 1.1 | Panorama A 1.1 (Cornelsen-Verlag) |
A 1.2 | Panorama A 1.2 (Cornelsen-Verlag) |
A 2.1 | Panorama A 2.1 (Cornelsen-Verlag) |
A 2.2 | Panorama A 2.2 (Cornelsen-Verlag) |
B 1.1 | Panorama B 1.1 (Cornelsen-Verlag) |
B 1.2 | Panorama B 1.2 (Cornelsen-Verlag) |
B 1 + | Information about the material will be given in class |
B 2 | Information about the material will be given in class |
C 1 | Information about the material will be given in class |
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