The fees are 45 € for students, 60 € for staff members, and 225 € for guests. The fees are to be transferred in time to the following account:
Recipient: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar/Language Centre
Credit institution: HELABA
IBAN: DE39 8205 0000 3004 4442 73
Reason for payment: 9200 + <last name, first name> + Gebühr Deutschkurs + <level>.
Please make sure that the reason for payment is correct so that we can allocate your payment correctly.
After making the transfer, do not forget to send a copy of the payment slip immediately by email to sprachenzentrum[at] Please state the group in the subject line.
Please transfer the course fee only after you have enrolled and not while you may still be on a waiting list. You should also be aware that transferring the course fee without having enrolled in StudIP is not considered an enrolment. We cannot do the StudIP enrolment on your behalf.
Once paid, course fees can only be refunded in exceptional cases. Therefore, we urge you not to transfer the course fees until you are sure that you can or really want to attend the selected course. Only after your payment is the enrolment binding and your course place secure.
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