By resolution of the Presidium dated 8 February 2023, the Basic Hygiene Plan is suspended effective 10 February 2023.
As a result of the expiration, you will no longer be required to comply with the hygiene regulations outlined in the Basic Hygiene Plan in your offices or classrooms. You are of course still able to decide for yourself if you wish to continue following the basic hygiene regulations, such as wearing a mask, keeping a distance of at least 1.5 metres from others, and regularly ventilating indoor spaces to prevent the spread of infection.
E-mail from the Presidium on the suspension of the Basic Hygiene Plan
In order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the Federal Republic of Germany and the state of Thuringia have put the following temporary measures in place. These are adjusted on an ongoing basis.
These are the most important basic protective measures in Thuringia:
When the federal regulation expires, the Thuringia Corona Protection Regulation will also end and thus all infection protection measures in the Free State will cease to apply from 8 April 2023.
Nevertheless, it is important to note that SARS-CoV-2 infections have not disappeared, although the current virus variants only cause severe disease courses to a small extent. Particularly in vulnerable groups or in individual cases, severe courses with long-term consequences may continue to occur.
For further information see: Coronavirus: Regeln in den Bundesländern | Bundesregierung (German) / (German)
All protections measures and regulations on containing the spread of the coronavirus are laid down by the Federal Republic of Germany, the State of Thuringia and the city of Weimar and are updated regularly.
Currently in effect:
Futher Information:
Information by the TMASGFF (Thuringian Health Ministry, in German)
If you suspect that you have been infected with the coronavirus, the following things are important at first:
What do people who test positive have to bear in mind?
You can find more details on how to act in different cases on (in German):
Observe whether you develop symptoms of a Corona infection.
If you have had contact with a proven infected person, you are »strongly advised« by the state of Thuringia to reduce your social contacts as much as possible. In addition, daily rapid or self-tests are recommended. However, quarantine for contact persons is no longer mandatory.
Please follow the instructions provided by (in German):
A self-test can be purchased in retail stores and performed independently (usually by a nasal swab), the result is available after 15 to 20 minutes. It is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions for use.
PCR tests are carried out is there is reasonable suspicion of a coronavirus infection (e.g. if an individual is presenting symptoms of the virus or has a positive rapid test result). The results of a PCR test are analysed by a laboratory.
Information on rapid tests
Information on self-tests
FAQ regarding COVID-19 tests (in German)
Currently, you can get a Corona vaccination in a doctor's office. There are also a number of special vaccination campaigns.
On the »Vaccination Offer« webpage, you can find all the relevant information on the various vaccination options, as well as useful links with contextual information.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control: COVID-19 (English)
WHO: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic (English)
Robert Koch-Institut: COVID-19 (German)
Auswärtiges Amt: Reisewarnungen anlässlich der COVID-19-Pandemie (German)
Handlungsempfehlung Infektionsschutz von der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) (German)
Coronavirus-Informationsportal der Thüringer Landesregierung (German)
COVID-19 in Thüringen (German)
To clarify the further procedure in the case of a coronavirus infection with regard to a PCR test and possibly necessary treatment steps, please contact the medical on-call service on 116 117 or contact your doctor's office.
By resolution of the Presidium dated 8 February 2023, the Basic Hygiene Plan is suspended effective 10 February 2023.
As a result of the expiration, you will no longer be required to comply with the hygiene regulations outlined in the Basic Hygiene Plan in your offices or classrooms. You are of course still able to decide for yourself if you wish to continue following the basic hygiene regulations, such as wearing a mask, keeping a distance of at least 1.5 metres from others, and regularly ventilating indoor spaces to prevent the spread of infection.
Regarding the upcoming examination period, distancing and mask regulations are no longer applicable, including in cases where the minimum distances cannot be maintained Seating and room planning for the examination period has already been coordinated between the faculties and will remain in place.
E-mail from the Presidium on the suspension of the Basic Hygiene Plan
For help during difficult life situations, contact the Thuringian Psychosocial Counselling Services (in German and English).
All students at Thuringian universities who need support or to talk to a neutral party about any issues they might be experiencing have free access to the Studierendenwerk Thüringen Psychosocial Counselling Services. Those seeking counselling - individuals and couples - are encouraged to contact the Counselling Services, both with study-related problems or personal issues. Counselling is also available in English upon request.
» Information on counselling and appointments
Psychosocial Counselling Weimar
Marienstraße 15a, 1. Floor, Room 210
Registration hours: Tuesday 3 pm - 4 pm, Thursday 10 am - 11 am
Phone: 03643 581681
E-mail: psb-weimar[at]
» Overview of university and external advising services
For all other concerns, please contact your respective faculty. The relevant contact information can be found here:
Each faculty has international counsellors who are available to answer your subject- or faculty-related questions.
The International Office is also home to a number of other contact persons:
Additional information can be found on the International Office website.
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