Classification and memberships

The SCC is a central university facility of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Formal as well as university-specific regulations are determined, for example, by the IT usage regulations of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar. In addition, the SCC acts as a member of institutions and committees within the university as well as external institutions.

Involvement within the university

The Director of the SCC is a member of the Finance Committee and the University Library Advisory Committee with an advisory vote. Together with the IT Security Officer, he is also a member of the Security Management Team.

Participation in further organisations

In addition to its involvement in institutions within the university, the SCC acts as a member in the following associations and institutions: 

Participation in working groups and other groupings

SCC employees represent the Bauhaus-Universität on IT issues in several working groups (AK) at state and federal level.

DFN (German National Research and Education Network)
General meeting and company meeting

ZKI (Zentren für Kommunikation und Informationsverarbeitung e.V.)
AK Campus Management
AK Informationssicherheit
AK IT-Strategie und -Organisation
AK Multimedia und Grafik
AK Software-Lizenzen
AK Identity- und Accessmanagement (IAM)
AK Zentrale Systeme

Extended board of directors Hochschul IT-Zentrum
AG IT-Sicherheit
Ständige Arbeitsgruppe Software (SAGS)
AG Strategie