The BAUHAUS.JOURNAL is the magazine of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and is published at irregular intervals. The current issue addresses how the university is dealing with social challenges, upheavals and crisis situations. The experiences and perspectives of staff, students and instructors are unveiled in articles, illustrations and photographs.
How we are working together to shape a climate-neutral future, how diversity unites us, how students are coming up with creative solutions for collaboration, where new digital formats are leading us, and much more. Please note, that the English Version will be available shortly.
How do crises and social upheavals affect community at the university? University President Prof. Dr. Winfried Speitkamp speaks about the necessity of opposition and the responsibility of shaping the university and society.
Europe is to be the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, and the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar intends to contribute—but how? With a broad range of ideas from across the university, the search for the best solutions has begun.
Students in Weimar are used to a close-knit environment, and this close cooperation is something that sets Weimar apart from other places. Three student projects demonstrate what is possible, despite a pandemic that has paralysed in-person interaction in all areas of life.
Looking twenty years into the future is no easy task, but seven academics from our four faculties have dared to do so anyway.
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