ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) is a non-profit organization founded in 2010 that issues ORCID iDs since 2012. These iDs consist of 16 digits in blocks of four and serve researchers as a unique identifier. The associated ORCID profile allows researchers to collect information on publications, research datasets, conference contributions, and other outputs. What are the benefits of a personal ORCID profile?
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar strongly recommends its researchers to register with ORCID, actively use their ORCID iD, and use it in publications and grant applications. At the Publication Service of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar at the Digital Library Thuringia, the ORCID iD can already be provided for a person. This links to the profile of the researching person. The linkage with a unique iD helps to transparently present research in the university system in the context of Open Science and enables reporting to the state and funding agencies, which is crucial for financing.
Since September 2022, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has been a member of the ORCID-DE Consortium, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), and supports the global service in integrating the ORCID iD into scientific systems. Planned integrations of the ORCID interface include, for example, the University Bibliography of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, which is intended to synchronize publications in the bibliography and the ORCID profile.
On the official ORCID website, you can find all information about the benefits of the ORCID iD and video tutorials on how to create and maintain it. If you have any further questions about ORCID, you can contact the following:
ORCID-DE Membership
Kevin Lang
Open Access
Dana Horch
University Theses Office
Heidi Körner
University Bibliography
Claudia Haase
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