Titel: | |
Name des Lehrenden : | Prof.Barbara Nemitz ; Oliver Zwink |
Aufstellung : | Aufstellung bis 15.02.2006 |
Verfasser, Titel | Signatur | Bemerkung |
ArchiSkulptur | Ih 6600/17 | |
Archisculptures | Ih 6600/7 | |
Bodys Isek Kingelez | Iv KingBod/1 | |
Cindy Sherman | Iv SherCin/8 | |
Damien Hirst | Ic 5253Nap/3 | |
Die dritte Dimension | Iv PernMan/1 | |
Hermann Pitz | Iv PitzHer/1 | |
Hirst, Damien: I want to spend.... | Iv HirsDam/1 | Sonderstandort: zu erfragen an der Theke |
Home and the world | Iv Aboudra/1 | |
Hunter, Sam: George Segal | Iv SegaGeo/1 | |
Isa Genzken | Iv SchuTho/2 | |
Jake and Dinos Chapman | Iv ChapJak/1 | |
Jason Rhoades - PeaRoeFoam | Iv RhoaJas/2 | |
Jason Rhoades - Perfect World | Iv RhoaJas/1 | |
Lois Renner | Iv RennLoi/2 | |
Natürlich künstlich | Ie 7044/46 | |
Öyvind Fahlström | Iv FahlÖyv/1 | |
Olde Wolbers, Saskia: Sakia Olde Wolbers, now that part of me has become fiction | Ie 6650/5 | |
Peter Fischli/David Weiss | Iv FiscPet/1 | |
Post-nature | Ih 4044/15 | |
Sarah Sze | Iv Sze Sar/1 | |
Sarah Sze | Iv Sze Sar/2 | |
Sculptural sphere | Ie 6400/14 | |
Sol Lewitt | Iv LeWiSol/6 | |
Sondermodelle | Nf 1600/20 | |
Thomas Demand | Ly DemaTho/2 | |
Thomas Demand, Phototrophy | Ly DemaTho/3 | |
Thomas Demand | Ly DemaTho/4 | |
Thomas Schütte | Iv SchüTho/1 | |
Thomas Schütte | Iv SchuTho/1 | |
Tom Sachs | Iv SachTom/1 | |
Tony Oursler | Iv OursTon/1 | |
Tony Oursler | Iv OursTon/2 | |
Until Now | Iv NeudMar/1 |
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