Titel: | Schwarz-Weiß-Film |
Name des Lehrenden : | Dr. Lisa Gotto |
Aufstellung : | Aufstellung bis 15.07.2006 Empore Limona |
Verfasser, Titel | Signatur | Bemerkung |
Anderson, Lisa M.: Mammies no more | Lf 6200/58 | |
Anzieu, Didier: Das Haut-Ich | De 3082/10 | |
Bal, Mieke: Kulturanalyse | Da 0082/2 | |
Berger, Maurice: White lies | Cg 3120/5 | |
Bhabha, Homi K.: Die Verortung der Kultur | Br 3082/29 | |
The birth of whiteness | Lf 6200/22 | |
Black American cinema | Lf 6200/13 | |
Black popular culture | 185 601 | |
Bogle, Donald: Toms, coons, mulattoes, mammies, and bucks | Lf 6200/61 | |
Classic Hollywood, classic whiteness | Lf 6200/81 | |
Dyer, Richard: White | Db 4082/80 | |
Egner, Silke: Bilder der Farbe | Lf 7300/2 | |
Ethik der Ästhetik | Bh 0081/4 | |
The fact of blackness | 218 226 | |
Die Farbe Weiß | Lo 0044/23 | |
Die Farben Schwarz | Id 1800/9 | |
Frottier, Elisabeth: Schwarz-weiss | 100 245 | |
Gubar, Susan: Racechanges | Dd 7312/10 | |
Guerrero, Edward: Framing Blackness | Lf 6200/46 | |
Hooks, Bell: Black looks | Db 4100/33 | |
Hybride Kulturen | Br 3081/15 | |
Lott, Eric: Love and theft | 218 223 | |
Oscar Micheaux and his circle | Lv MichOsc/2 | |
Representing Blackness | Lf 6200/57 | |
Rogin, Michael: Blackface, white noise | Lf 6200/106 | |
Talty, Stephan: Mulatto America | Cg 3120/6 | |
Tischleder, Bärbel: Body Trouble | Lf 6200/78 | |
Who´s afraid of | Id 1033/2 | |
Die Wiederkehr des Anderen | Ba 0026/1,5 | |
Williams, Linda: Playing the race card | Lf 6200/66 | |
Yearwood, Gladstone Lloyd: Black film as a signifying practice | Lf 6200/78 | |
Young, Lola: Fear of the dark | Lf 1700/41 | |
Young, Robert: White mythologies | Br 1082/12 | |
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