Titel : | Breaking the Timeline |
Name des Lehrenden : | Max Neupert |
Aufstellung : | Aufstellung bis 15.07.2010 Limona Empore |
Verfasser, Titel | Signatur | Bemerkung |
bang | Ht 3920/53 | |
Blum, Frank: Digital interactive installations | Hu 0082/1 | |
Collins, Nicolas: Handmade electronic music | Ix 9082/7 | |
Cook, Nicholas: Analysing musical multimedia | Ix 8082/1 | |
Farnell, Andy: Designing sound | Lk 8082/4 | |
Föllmer, Golo: Netzmusik | Ix 9082/6 | |
Kreidler, Johannes: Loadbang : programming electronic music in Pd | 236 475 | |
Puckette, Miller: The theory and technique of electronic music | Ht 3082/2 | |
Rost, Randi J.: OpenGL shading language | Hn 1100/38 | |
Virilio, Paul:Open sky | Bo ViriPau/10 | |
Virilio, Paul: The Paul Virilio reader | Bo ViriPau/31 | |
Winkler, Todd: Composing interactive music | Ht 3920/13 | |
Zhang, Tong: Content-based audio classification and retrieval for audiovisual data parsing | Ht 3082/1 |
Changes from color to monochrome mode
contrast active
contrast not active
Changes the background color from white to black
Darkmode active
Darkmode not active
Elements in focus are visually enhanced by an black underlay, while the font is whitened
Feedback active
Feedback not active
Halts animations on the page
Animations active
Animations not active