Titel : | Architektur und Experiment in digitalen Entwurfskulturen |
Name des Lehrenden : | Dr. Nicole Stöcklmayr |
Aufstellung : | Aufstellung bis 15.07.2012 Limona Empore |
Verfasser, Titel | Signatur | Bemerkung |
Andrasek, Alisa: Biothing | 253 378 | |
Animate form / Greg Lynn | Nd LynnGre/1 | |
ArchiLab : radical experiments in global architecture | Nb 7072/41 | |
Cache, Bernard: Earth moves | 249 979 | |
Carpo, Mario: The alphabet and the algorithm | 248 744 | |
Contemporary processes in architecture | Z 1776 | Bitte selbst bestellen! |
Contemporary techniques in architecture | Ne 3081/2 | |
DeLanda, Manuel: Philosophy and simulation | 246 950/2 | |
Designing for a digital world | Ne 3081/3 | |
DRL Ten: a design research compendium | Nf 6044/2 | |
Emergence : morphogenetic design strategies | Z 1776 | Bitte selbst am Standort: Ebene +1, Neubau, Steubenstr. 6 entnehmen. |
Emergenz : zur Analyse und Erklärung komplexer Strukturen | Aa 3081/2 | |
Frazer, John: An evolutionary architecture | Ne 3082/23 | |
From control to design : parametric/algorithmic architecture | Ne 3082/36 | |
Greg Lynn Form / ed. by Mark Rappolt | Nd LynnGre/5 | |
Holland, John H.: Emergence : from chaos to order | 253 392 | |
Johnson, Steven: Emergence : the connected lives of ants, brains, cities and software | Hp 2082/2 | |
Kultur im Experiment | Br 3081/54 | |
Latour, Bruno: Die Hoffnung der Pandora | 179 290 | |
Latour, Bruno: Laboratory life : the construction of scientific facts | 186 177 | |
Latour, Bruno: Science in action | Db 6082/7 | |
Lynn, Greg : Architectural Laboratories | Nd LynnGre/3 | |
Mayr, Ernst: Das ist Evolution | 253 168 | |
Menges, Achim: Computational design thinking | Hr 1082/14 | |
Out there : architecture beyond building Vol. 1: Installazioni | Nf 7253Vnd/11:2,1 | |
Out there : architecture beyond building Vol. 2: Hall of fragments | Nf 7253Vnd/11:2,2 | |
Out there : architecture beyond building Vol. 3: Experimental architecture | Nf 7253Vnd/11:2,3 | |
Out there : architecture beyond building Vol. 4: Partecipazioni nazionali eventi speciali e collaterali : travel guide | Nf 7253Vnd/11:2,4 | |
Out there : architecture beyond building Vol. 5: Manifesti | Nf 7253Vnd/11:2,5 | |
Programming cultures | Z 1776 | Bitte selbst am Standort: Ebene +1, Neubau, Steubenstr. 6 entnehmen. |
Simon, Herbert Alexander: Die Wissenschaften vom Künstlichen | Ha 1000/46 | |
Simulation : Präsentationstechnik und Erkenntnisinstrument | Ne 3081/12 | |
Terzidis, Kostas: Algorithmic architecture | Hr 1082/6 | |
Terzidis, Kostas: Expressive form | Hr 1082/15 | |
Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth: Über Wachstum und Form | 136 618 | |
Total fluidity : Studio Zaha Hadid, Projects 2000-2010 University of Applied Arts, Vienna | Nd HadiZah/21 |
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