If the literature you require is not available at the Weimar university library or any other Weimar library, you can make an interlibrary loan request. Items commercially available for under EUR 10.00, items in the university library's collection that are currently checked out, thesis papers and loose leaf collections are all unavailable by interlibrary loan. You may request any item listed in the GBV Common Library Network databases online after setting up an interlibrary loan account.
In addition to your library account, you may set up an interlibrary loan account at the circulation desk. Please present your valid library card.
As each interlibrary loan request costs EUR 1.50 according to the fee regulations (appendix 1 to the library regulations), you will need to purchase interlibrary loan credits at the circulation desk in advance of your request. Each credit costs 1.50 EUR and is good for one request. Your remaining credits will be displayed in the account.
For teachers of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, the fees for interlibrary loans can be covered by the university library.
Please use the online form for the application.
Before you place an interlibrary loan request, please check if the item you want is available in other Weimar libraries, as one credit worth 1.50 EUR will be deducted from your account immediately upon placing the request.
Please use the catalogue provided by the Common Library Network GBV to search and request any item you successfully searched.
If the item cannot be found in the Common Library Network's catalogue, or cannot be requested online, you will be directed to options for a wider search automatically. If an item is unavailable across the country, please contact us for international interlibrary loan options, which will, however, come at a higher price.
You will receive an e-mail as soon as a requested item is ready for pickup at the service desk. These items will also be displayed in your library account.
The usual loan period is four weeks. The lending library may set special conditions for an item. Loans can only be renewed in agreement with the lending library.
Articles from journals will as a rule be sent directly to you by e-mail as a download link, although in some few cases copyright restrictions may apply and a paper copy may be sent instead. In those cases you will be directed to pick up the copy at the service desk as above.
Document delivery services differ from the interlibrary loan service in offering direct delivery of documents to an address of your choice. They are provided by external libraries and information centers and are subject to fees, which vary between service providers along with terms and conditions of use. Please contact a delivery service directly to make use of it.
subito is a commercial international document delivery services. Documents will be delivered by e-mail, FTP, regular mail or fax within three working days using regular service and within one work day using express service (work days do not include Saturdays).
GetInfo is the document delivery service provided by TIB Hannover, allowing requests for literature from that library.
German National Library delivers copies of scientific journals, periodicals and books.
FIZ AutoDoc Document delivery service provided by FIZ Karlsruhe
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