The general house and key-holder rules issued by the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, as well as any specific rules pertaining to the use of its sports facility/gymnasium/sports rooms also apply to the use of the sports facilities operated by the University Sports Centre (USZ).
Please observe the following rules:
Visitors are only permitted to enter the changing rooms and gymnasium when wearing clean, non-abrasive trainers. Street shoes should always be taken off in the gymnasiums anteroom.
Valuables, clothing and bags should be stored away in lockers. Only use 1 euro coins to operate the lockers (plastic chips jam the locking mechanisms!).
The USZ cannot be held liable for lost or stolen items.
We ask you to carefully follow the posted gymnasium rules, as well as the rules for using the mats, the cardio and weight-lifting rooms, and the climbing wall (see the respective posted notices).
Please speak to the staff and grounds personnel before using the playing fields and the track-and-field facility so as not to interfere with other sports groups which have previously scheduled training exercises.
When using non-university gymnasiums, please follow the rules which apply there.
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