The USZ has worked hard to create a sports programme that appeals to as many students and university employees as possible.
The University Sports Centre makes every effort to cater to the interests of both the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the College of Music Franz Liszt.
The sports and fitness courses in our programme are based on mass-sport activities.
From past experience, we have found that most of our course participants are more interested in having fun, getting fit and staying healthy than playing high-performance, extremely competitive sports. The courses are organized in such a way that the players supervise their own games. For instance, there are no referees to monitor the play of traditional sports, e.g., soccer, volleyball, basketball, handball, etc. Interactive play works best when the participants cooperate with one another and show willingness to compromise. We believe this also helps the players adapt to individual differences in athletic performance. Our basic philosophy is to encourage sportsmanlike interaction between all participants in order to create an atmosphere of fairness, cooperation and communication.
A number of our sports and fitness courses place special emphasis on introducing participants to new experiences and teaching the basics. The courses aim to promote peoples natural urge to move and help them master athletic exercises with which they are not yet familiar.
There are also many courses which focus on athletic instruction and training. In exercise and training groups, students learn special sports techniques, tactics and theory. The coaches also provide information and suggestions about sports and activities that one can do outside the university, as well as safety precautions one can take. Performance-oriented athletes and competitors can participate in a number of traditional and modern sports, including championships organized by the University Sports Club and the Thuringian University Sports Association.
University-level tournaments and competitions are a great way of creating a common bond between students from different faculties and university employees. In fact, sport events are often the place where university communication and contacts are the strongest.
The German University Sports Federation (adh) organizes German university tournaments and championships for a variety of sports. The adhs educational programme provides coaches and trainers the chance to obtain the proof of qualification they require and addresses trends and new forms of sports. As a member of the adh, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar offers students the opportunity to participate in high-level competitions and education courses for a very reasonable price.
Employees at university-related facilities can also take advantage of the entire range of sports and fitness courses offered by the USZ.
For such courses to be recognized as company sports, employees are obliged to fulfil certain conditions as stipulated in the RVO (see insurance coverage).
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