Keeping the campus moving
Sports of a different kind with adh
What is the adh?
The German University Sports Federation was founded in 1948 as an umbrella organization for university sports in Germany. It currently represents the athletic interests of 161 member universities and colleges with approximately two million students and employees. In cooperation with the universities, the adh regularly develops new sports programmes and concepts, organizes national and international sporting events and offers an extensive programme of training and continuing education courses.
What does the adh do?
... Competitive sports
The adh coordinates national university championships (DHM) for over 30 different sports. Both university students and employees are eligible to participate in these competitions. The adh offers sports of every kind, including the popular ball sports and classic disciplines like track-and-field, fencing, gymnastics and sculling, and trendy sports like mountain biking, snowboarding and Ultimate Frisbee. Furthermore, the adh also organizes and participates in friendly international competitions, championships and student olympics.
For more information concerning upcoming dates and registration for championship events, please see your university sports office or sports department, or visit the adh website:
... Seminars
Your university sports office and sports department can provide you with the current adh education programme which includes information about events, workshops and seminars on a variety of subjects, e.g., health, fitness and management. You can find more information about the current adh education courses at
In addition to the normal relationship the USZ has with the Student Council (as the USZ sports programme is primarily tailored to the students interests), the two partners have come to an agreement that especially applies to athletes of competitive sports. The Student Council has agreed to fund travel expenses to tournaments. The Student Council sports department can provide you with more information concerning the conditions for funding (e.g., regular training). It is also important to request funding far enough in advance to be sure that the Student Council has the necessary funds at its disposal.
The HSV Weimar is one of the largest sports clubs in Thuringia and by far the largest in Weimar. With over 1,300 members, the club offers training in 16 different sports and athletic areas. The club also hosts competitions, mass-sports and fitness courses, all of which are open to people of every age. For more information, please visit our club office (Falkenburg sports facility, Rm. 102) or call us at 03643 901431.
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