On behalf of the Senate, three committees prepare Senate decisions, discuss university-wide projects and guidelines and award funding for research and art/design (Committee on Research and Projects). These committees are:
Dr. Luise Nerlich (Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism)
Dr. Katrin Richter (Fakultät of Art and Design/ Service staff)
Dr. Silke Beinersdorf (Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
Till Hoffmann (Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism)
Dr. Volkmar Zabel (Fakulty of Civil Engineering)
Dr. Simon Frisch (Fakulty of Media)
Furthermore, there are other bodies, in which non-professorial academics are represented. These are currently:
Christina Kleffel (University Library)
Christiane Lewe (Fakulty of Media – as Substitute)
University Library Advisory Board
Kirsten Angermann (Fakulty of Architecture and Urbanis)
Charlotte Bolwin (Fakulty of Media)
Mathias Artus (Fakulty of Civil Engineering)
The Staff Council, which »represents the rights of the civil servants, student employees and other employees, with the exception of the professors and junior professors (Hochschullehrer), at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar«, acts as the overall representation of the employees (excluding professors and junior professors) (website of the staff council ).
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