The central, academic collegial body of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is the Senate. The Senate generally meets once a month and its meetings can be attended by all university members. It takes all decisions that are of fundamental importance to the university. Its tasks and composition are regulated in § 35 of the Thuringian Higher Education Act (ThürHG) and in § 8 of the Basic Regulations (Grundordnung).
The Senate's rules of procedure can be found here:
Rules of Procedure
First amendment to the Rules of Procedure
With the exception of personnel matters, the Senate’s meetings are open to all university members.
Prof. Peter Benz
Voting members
University professors (the parity Senate)
Prof. Dr. Jasper Cepl
Prof. Björn Dahlem
Prof. Dr. Mark Jentsch
Prof. Dr. Stefan Lucks
University professor (Senate with a majority of university teachers)
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Beckers
Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt
Prof. Dr. Lorenz Engell
Prof. Andreas Mühlenberend
Prof. Dr. Jörg Paulus
Prof. Burkart von Scheven
Prof. Dr. Henning Schmidgen
Prof. Dr. Conrad Völker
Prof. Dr. Max Welch Guerra
Academic staff (the parity Senate)
Dr. Silke Beinersdorf
Daniel Guischard
PD Dr. Andreas Jakoby
Christian Andrès Parra Sànchez
Technical and administrative staff (the parity Senate)
Christian Hense
Dr. Christian Kästner
Gudrun Kopf
Susanne Rößler
Students (the parity Senate)
Lucas Hedel
Philine Heyder
Goeram Jon Paul Leeder-Kamanda
Friederike Schubert
Advisory members
Martin Ahner (representative of the Association of Disabled People)
Ruweida Aljabali (representative of the doctoral students' council)
Dr. Miriam Benteler (Diversity Officer)
Prof. Dr. Lorenz Engell (Dean of the Faculty of Media)
Dr. Simon Frisch (Vice President of Academic Affairs)
Marina Glaser (Head of the President's Office)
Dr. Horst Henrici (Chancellor)
Dr. Ulrike Kuch (Vice President of Social Transformation)
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tom Lahmer (Dean of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sigrun Langner (Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism)
Prof. Dr. Horst-Michael Ludwig (Representative of the University Council)
Tina Meinhardt (Equal Opportunities Officer)
Prof. Andreas Mühlenberend (Dean of the Faculty of Art and Design)
Ann-Kathrin Müller (Representative Doctoral Council)
Dr. Alexandra Pommer (Chairperson of the Staff Council)
Prof. Dr. Timon Rabczuk (Vice President for Research, Arts and Young Academics)
A representative of the Student Council