The University educates and supports the development of confident, critical academics by imparting scientific, technical and artistic-creative skills. Our graduates are able to influence future professional, social and cultural environments. The student body is a reflection of social diversity when it comes to age, educational background, gender, and geographical and social background, among other factors.
Because learning at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is made highly attractive through bold, standard-setting, forward-thinking study concepts, formats and programmes, we are able to tap into new student potential, attract new students and develop strong bonds with our student body, even after they’ve graduated.
In order to provide the greatest possible access to education, the University is continuing to design and develop teaching formats for full-time, part-time, postgraduate and further education programmes with flexible admission and transfer options, as well as the opportunity to personalise programmes so that they meet the needs of various social circumstances and life phases. By visualising and engaging in exchange about teaching, we are developing an aesthetic of learning.
2023 Milestones:
Many of the administrative processes related to studying and teaching have to be made clearer, more streamlined, accessible and simpler. At the same time, one of our goals is to strengthen the institutionalised processes that ensure quality teaching that is well-managed. One step towards this goal is standardising general processes and organisational structures, which can be adapted to the individual faculties/degree programmes according to their requirements.
2023 Milestones:
Questions concerning environmental and social sustainability need to be regularly addressed, reflected upon and dealt with in depth within the context of course content at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, and the relevant skills must be developed. To achieve this, teaching content and learning objectives on this topic must be further integrated into all degree programmes. The connection to corresponding research will also be strengthened.
2023 Milestones:
Studying interactively will be 24/7, on-demand and available anywhere in the future; the study experience will shift seamlessly between virtual, hybrid and analogue formats, depending on students’ needs. This mix of diverse formats will of course require a centrally administered record and recognition of achievements.
2023 Milestones:
The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar supports increasing diversity in all aspects of teaching, i.e. through the individuals involved, adapted teaching and learning formats, learning opportunities and, ultimately, in teaching content. The goal is to adequately represent the diversity of the global cultural and academic landscape.
2023 Milestones:
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