The University is establishing cross-faculty research clusters as discourse platforms. These clusters create spaces of opportunity in which researchers can collaborate with experts from other universities, the industry, politics and other areas of society. Work carried out in these clusters is combined with opportunities for students, who are then introduced to contemporary research during their studies.
2023 Milestones:
The »Forschungswerkstatt« (Research Workshop) is meant to be a creative place for exchange and networking among researchers at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The foundation will be laid here for innovative topics and bold approaches in and across disciplines. The space is also meant to awaken curiosity and motivation and encourage collaboration.
2023 Milestones:
The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar brings diverse scientific, artistic and design research cultures together under its roof. We are initiating a discussion to clarify the research equivalence of artistic-design practices and their position in academic research in order to highlight the as-of-yet untapped potential resulting from the both the proximity and the friction between these approaches as a unique feature of the University.
2023 Milestones:
The integration of sustainability, ethics and good scientific practice is essential to the promotion of high-quality, responsible research. Supporting researchers in their qualification phase ensures the future of our work. Sustainable research minimises resource waste. Ethical principles preserve the integrity of our work. Adhering to good academic and artistic practice ensures the reliability of our findings. This trifecta is essential to ensuring our research efforts not only generate knowledge, but also help shape a better world.
2023 Milestones:
For proper support, control and (external) communication of the research done at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, an online research information system and good research data management are indispensable. Relevant development has already started with the support of the TMWWDG, among others, but further development is necessary across the University.
2023 Milestones:
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Elements in focus are visually enhanced by an black underlay, while the font is whitened
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