
Transform Website

How can we become carbon neutral? What do we have to do to achieve this?
Transform is a catalog of projects on sustainability, decarbonization and climate change developed at the Bauhaus University Weimar. The projects are presented with short texts in English, with pictures and further links.
The platform was created as an instrument to bring together the various parallel projects at the Bauhaus University Weimar on one website and to make them visible internally and externally.

The visualization of the diverse projects on the subject of sustainability enables the formation of a community of practice and creates opportunities for internal and external cooperation. Under the motto "Transform - Translate - Transfer" we want to make the relevant research and design activities of the Bauhaus University accessible to an international public in a way that is easy to read and easy to grasp. The university should thus become known as a player in the field of sustainability and CO2 reduction.

The complex demands of climate change can only be tackled through a multidisciplinary approach. Many interesting and innovative projects are created at the university, but these are often only known within the respective subject area. With Transform-Website we want to promote interdisciplinary cooperation.


Participating teachers and professors:
Professur Städtebau, Professur Produktdesign, Professur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Professur Biotechnologie in der Ressourcenwirtschaft, Professur Bauphysik, Professur Verkehrssystemplanung, Junior Professorship Computational Architecture, Professur Modellierung und Simulation-Konstruktion, Professur Computer Vision in Engineering, Campus Garten, Klima AG, Anniek Vetter

Related Links:

Current seminars: