With so many committees, it can be difficult to keep track of everything. Discover which Bauhaus-Universität Weimar committees you can get involved with here. In addition, student representatives report on their everyday life and their tasks.
Student self-administration defines the statutorily embedded independence afforded to the student body. Students organise themselves according to their own statutes and are responsible for shaping student life outside the classroom.
In Weimar, this means everything going on in and around M18!
M18 is the student house (»Haus der Studierenden«). This is where decisions are made by students themselves about what takes place on campus in terms of culture and sport, allocation of funding and what values, goals and attitudes are represented. Accordingly, Student Council committees are composed exclusively of students.
On the other hand, representing the interests of the university within university committees requires more formally structured and hierarchical work. Student perspectives are represented vis-à-vis other status groups or member groups of the individual faculties or the university. This is clearly different to the Dean’s Office or the Presidium, professors, academic staff and technical and administrative staff, who represent their own interests.
Representation within these bodies is not always equal, meaning other member groups may sometimes be overrepresented. Most importantly, however, decisions that can be examined and shaped from a student perspective are made herein by the faculties and the university. These could pertain, for example, to improvements in study conditions or to the setting of priorities for development of the University.
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