The Student Employees Council was established at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in 2020 in accordance with the Thuringian Employee Representation Act (Thüringer Personalvertretungsgesetz). It comprises three annually elected representatives of the student, scientific and artistic assistants (student employees, formerly also known as »HiWis«) at the university. They may be elected independent of their faculty.
The most important task of the Student Employees Council is to represent the interests of student employees vis-à-vis the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. To fulfil this task, one of the members attends Staff Council meetings and has the right to vote on matters concerning student employees. Representatives also work closely together with the Personnel Department, which is responsible for student employee contracts, among other things. Time invested by the elected representatives in their committee work is counts as working hours!
You can find the latest news from the Student Employees Council on this page.
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