The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar works together with various partners to initiate and carry out postgraduate master programmes. These include master’s degree programmes for working professionals, course auditing and certification programmes, events, congresses and seminars.
The postgraduate master courses offered by the university are primarily targeted at university graduates, working professionals and individuals who are interested in specialising or expanding their area of expertise.
Studiengang | Abschluss | Bewerbungsfrist |
Nutzerorientierte Bausanierung | M.Sc. | SoSe bis 31.03. |
Bauphysik | M.Sc. | SoSe bis 31.03. |
Projektmanagement [Bau] | MBA | SoSe bis 15.03. |
Wasser & Umwelt | M.Sc. | SoSe bis 31.03. |
Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik | Abschluss/Anzahl Leistungspunkte | Dauer |
Holzbau | Fachingenieur/in bzw. Fachplaner/in für Holzbau / 15 LP | 1 Semester |
Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen | Abschluss/Anzahl Leistungspunkte | Dauer |
CAS Schallschutz und Akustik | 12 LP | 2 Semester |
CAS Wärme | 12 LP | 2 Semester
CAS Feuchteschutz | 12 LP | 2 Semester |
CAS Gebäudesanierung | 12 LP | 2 Semester |
CAS Betoninstandhaltung | 12 LP | 2 Semester |
Denkmalschutz | Fachingenieur/in bzw. Fachplaner/in für Denkmalschutz / 16 LP | 1 Semester |
Betriebswirtschaftliche Kompetenzen im Projektmanagement | 18 LP | 1 Semester |
Projektmanagement Grundlagen | 18 LP | 1 Semester |
Bauprojektmanagement | 18 LP | 1 Semester |
Brückenbau | Fachingenieur/in für Brückenbau / 15 LP | 1 Semester |
Straßenbau mit Zukunft | Fachingenieur/in bzw. Fachbauleiter/in für Straßenbau / 15 LP | 1 Semester |
Lean Construction Experte/in | Lean-Construction-Experte/in (VDI) nach VDI 2553 | 8 Tage |
Barrierefreie Verkehrs- und Freiraumgestaltung | Fachplaner/in für Barrierefreie Verkehrs- und Freiraumgestaltung | 4 Monate |
Nachzertifizierung Bauprojektmanagement | Fachingenieur/in bzw. Fachplaner/in für Bauprojektmanagement | 3 Tage |
Sicherheitsaudit von Straßen (SAS) | Zertifikat "Sicherheitsaudit von Straßen" | 9 Monate |
In contrast to part-time studies, part-time studies can be interesting for professionals who do not work full-time. In a part-time study program, one semester is counted as a half semester under examination law, which gives you the opportunity to work and study part-time. » more
As an institute at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, the WBA | Bauhaus Weiterbildungsakademie Weimar e.V. offers extra-occupational studies, subject-specific seminars and conferences. » more
The Bauhaus Summer School is the international summer program of the Bauhaus University Weimar and offers you a diverse range of different subject and language courses.
Participating in the two- and four-week courses is a great way to meet people from all over the world, make international contacts and broaden your horizons - both culturally and academically. » more
The IQ qualification programme ‘Quali-BAU.GoON’ is aimed at graduates with a foreign qualification in civil engineering/architecture. By participating in the project, we offer them the opportunity to improve their chances of entering the German labour market.
The ‘Quali-BAU.GoON’ qualification programme is being developed as an effective contribution to securing skilled workers in the field of civil engineering/architecture and can serve as a model for preparing foreign skilled workers with an academic degree in a profession in the construction industry in a practical way.» more
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